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RxJS conversion operator, keep storming! The familiar know the new, unfamiliar mix a face familiar ~


A buffer is a “cache” that collects values under certain conditions and then emits the collected values under certain conditions. In addition to buffer, there are similar:

  • BufferCount: Collects issued values and does not issue them as an array until the supplied number of values has been collected.
  • BufferTime: Collects emitted values until the supplied time has elapsed before they are emitted as an array.
  • BufferToggle: turns on the switch to capture the values emitted by the source Observable, and turns off the switch to emit the buffered values as an array.
  • BufferWhen: Collects the value and does not emit the buffered value until the selector emits the value is closed

The use method is basically the same, simply understood as: station security, when there are a lot of people, there will be a special person in the card, control the flow, when the card is set up under a certain condition, you can put the card, the conditions here can be: quantity, time, custom open, other conditions value;


// Create observable emitted every second const myInterval = interval(1000); Observable const bufferBy = fromEvent(document, 'click'); /* Collect all values emitted by myInterval until we click the page. BufferBy emits the value to complete the cache. Passes all values collected since the last buffering to the array. */ const myBufferedInterval = myInterval.pipe(buffer(bufferBy)); // prints the value to the console // for example: [1,2,3]... ,5,6,7,8 [4] const subscribe = myBufferedInterval. Subscribe (val = > console. The log (' Buffered Values: ', val));Copy the code


ConcatMap maps values, and a similar one is mergeMap, which is a Reduce promise and a PromiseAll.

// concatMap // emit 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' const source = of('Hello', 'Goodbye'); // Example using promise const examplePromise = val => new promise (resolve => resolve(' ${val} World! `)); Const example = source.pipe(concatMap(val => examplePromise(val)))); // Map the source value to an internal Observable. // Output: 'Example w/ Promise: 'Hello World', Example w/ Promise: 'Goodbye World' const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log('Example w/ Promise:', val) ); // mergeMap // emit 'Hello' const source = of('Hello'); Const myPromise = val => new promise (resolve => resolve(' ${val} World From promise! `)); Const example = source.pipe(mergeMap(val => myPromise(val))); // output: 'Hello World From Promise' const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log(val));Copy the code


The map is critical because it applies a projection function to every value of the source Observable.

/ / a (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) const source = the from ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); // Add 10 const example = source.pipe(map(val => val + 10)); // output: 11,12,13,14,15 const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log(val));Copy the code


Also common is reduce, which merges the value of the source Observalbe into a single value and emits it when the source Observable completes.

const source = of(1, 2, 3, 4); const example = source.pipe(reduce((acc, val) => acc + val)); // output: Sum: 10' const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log('Sum:', val));Copy the code


The window operator is an Observable of time window values.

// RxJS v6+ import { timer, interval } from 'rxjs'; import { window, scan, mergeAll } from 'rxjs/operators'; Const source = timer(0, 1000); const example = source.pipe(window(interval(3000))); const count = example.pipe(scan((acc, curr) => acc + 1, 0)); /* "Window 1:" 0 1 2 "Window 2:" 3 4 5 ... */ const subscribe = count.subscribe(val => console.log(`Window ${val}:`)); const subscribeTwo = example .pipe(mergeAll()) .subscribe(val => console.log(val));Copy the code

In addition to: Window, there are also its derivatives windowCount, windowTime, windowToggle, windowWhen. It is also similar to a derivative of buffer.

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I’m Nuggets Anthony, output exposure input, technical insights into life, goodbye ~ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘