Sentinel-rust: Ali’s Sentinel has a rust version

Now is the WIP

Sentinel is a micro-service current limiting fuse framework previously developed by Ali.

The main working mechanism of Sentinel is as follows:

  • Provide adaptive or display apis for mainstream frameworks to define resources that need to be protected, and provide facilities to perform real-time statistics on resources and call link analysis.
  • Traffic is controlled based on preset rules and real-time resource statistics. Sentinel also provides an open interface for defining and changing rules.
  • Sentinel provides a real-time monitoring system that allows you to quickly understand the current status of your system.

The above reference:…

Apkeep: command line tool for downloading APK files from multiple sources…

Remote desktop software RustDesk 1.1.8 released

  • – Fixed various compatibility issues: white screen, flash back (may still occur, not all systems can be tested)
  • Fix mouse/keyboard exceptions and shortcut keys
  • Fixed Linux clipboard synchronization issues
  • Support 32-bit Windows, >=Win7
  • Add aN iOS client
  • Added touch screen mode on mobile, optimized mouse drag and select
  • Enable DXGI and fall back to GDI if it fails
  • Upgrade Tokio to V1 and VPX to 1.10
  • Experimental implementation of Wayland, availability is still relatively low, temporarily abandoned
  • Only the Windows installer is provided by default, but you can choose to run without installation on the installation screen

Source: author: RustDesk link zhihu copyright owned by the author. Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization, non-commercial reprint please indicate the source.…

MegFlow: Megvii’s open source efficient machine learning solution for the long tail

MegFlow provides a fast visual application landing process, setting up video analysis services in as little as 15 minutes.

Implementation based on Rust.…

Novus: Windows package manager implemented by Rust

Performance is 3 to 10 times higher than Chocolatey.…

Pilka: A cross-platform real-time coding tool written in Rust

Pilka is a cross-platform real-time coding tool for creating shader demonstrations, similar to Bonzomatic or KodeLife. Support for hot overloading, the ability to check and update resources in the background.…

Pixels 0.6.0 release

Pixels is a crate used for rasterization on the simple software side. It can provide a pixel buffer for inserting colors (done on the CPU side). Buffers are uploaded to the GPU as textures, and all scaling and clipping is handled by the default shader. For other controls, you can add your own custom shaders for pre-processing and post-processing.…

NoProto: Flexible, fast, and compact serialization and RPC


  • Zero depends on
  • Support no_STD and WASM
  • The most compact uncompiled storage format
  • stable…

Gradient-rs: Command line tool for playing with color gradients


  • Many preset gradients.
  • Custom gradients.
  • Read gradients from SVG and GIMP Gradients (GGR) files……

Relm4 v0.1 release

About a month after the first beta release, and after countless hours of work, the authors are happy to announce the official release of the first stable version of Relm4!

About Relm4:

Relm4 is a idiomatic GUI library inspired by Elm and based on GTK4-RS. It is a new version of RELM built from scratch and is compatible with GTK4 and Libadwaita. The main objectives of Relm4 are productivity, flexibility, simplicity and maintainability.


  • Support libadwaita;
  • GUI Development with Relm4 has been completed;
  • Added message handles that support non-blocking IO.
  • More reusable components;
  • Many other improvements and fixes;
  • The full ChangeLog can be found at:…

More information:

  • Project address:…
  • Document of the project: aaronerhardt. Making. IO/docs/relm4 /…
  • Reference Book: GUI Development with Relm4

Skiff: An increasingly typed functional programming language written in Rust

Skiff, is an increasingly typed functional programming language written in Rust. Progressive typing means that the author plans to next distinguish fully typed functions from partially typed functions by adding typed keywords.

Rare inspired by Elm/Pyret/Python language, and Rust/Javascript/Typescript Haskell/OCaml/Lua language influence, in the current language function continues to improve, the author provides a wasm! The driven web page editor is available for readers to learn and use. For more information, visit the Readme on the project home page.

More information:

  • Project address:…
  • Web editor: /


Like JQ, but for HTML. Extract portions of the HTML file using CSS selectors.

Jq is like SED for JSON data – you can use it to slice, filter, map, and transform structured data just as easily as sed, AWk, grep, and friends let you work with text.

HTMLQ is used to process HTML data.

Zerocopy 0.6.0 has just been released, bringing lots of new features!

The simD and SIMD-nightly features support Stable and Unstable SIMDs respectively.

Docs. Rs/zerocopy / 0….

Tabled release v0.3

Tabled is an easy-to-use library for beautifying the output of Rust structures and enumerations.…

Ferros: Rust library to add additional guarantees for seL4 development

SeL4, a member of the L4 microkernel family, provides the highest level of isolation between applications running on a system to contain damage to one part of the system and prevent damage to other, potentially more critical parts of the system. According to the introduction, seL4 is the world’s first mathematically proven safe operating system kernel, and on the basis of security also emphasizes high performance, is the world’s fastest and most advanced OS microkernel.

Ferros offers an intelligent type-safe wrapper around seL4 functionality, with an emphasis on compile-time resource tracking.

Ferros is built on top of the SELFE-SYS library.…

Matchbox: P2P networking solution in Rust WASM

Matchbox was born because the author made a multiplayer web game in Rust and encountered the following problems:

How to connect N Web browsers with unreliable, out-of-order P2P connections?

Johanhelsing. Studio/posts/intro…

Sycamore: V0.6.0 has been released

Sycamore is a library for building homogeneous Web applications using Rust and WebAssembly. Version 0.6.0 is currently available.

  • Static generated

  • Server side rendering

  • Heavy validation

  • An incremental

  • Open build matrix

  • CLI leverage, allowing you to build applications with ease and confidence

  • Take advantage of Fluent’s out-of-the-box I18N support

  • lify. App/news/announ…


Compact_str: a memory-efficient immutable string type

CompactStr is a more memory-efficient immutable string type that can store smaller strings on the stack and transparently store longer strings on the heap. Most of them can be used as replacements for strings, and are particularly useful in parsing, deserializing, or any other application that might have smaller strings.…

Rust engineering test rate coverage using Tarpaulin

Tarpaulin, a code coverage reporting tool for cargo build systems, takes its name from the Tarpaulin used to cover cargo on ships. Currently, Tarpaulin provides workline coverage, which, while fairly reliable, can still contain small inaccuracies in the results.

Tarpaulin only supports x86_64 processors running Linux. This is because setting breakpoints in the executable and tracking their execution requires processor – and operating system-specific code. When greater stability is achieved, the goal is to add wider system support, however this is enough to allow Tarpaulin to run on popular CI tools such as Travis.

It also runs in Docker, which is useful when you don’t use Linux but want to run it locally, such as during development.

Allen Wyma talks with software engineer Daniel McKenna, author of Tarpaulin coverage testing tools. Welcome to the news.


Trunk – a WASM Web application wrapper for Rust

Trunk packages WASM, JS snippets, static resources (images, CSS, SCSS, etc.). Its configuration uses HTML files.

Trunk supports all wASM-Bindgen based frameworks, including but not limited to Yew and Seed. trunkrs. Dev /

Code repository:…

Composing Studio – Collaborating Composing tool

Composing Studio is a live online collaboration enabled music editor built using Rust, WebAssembly, and TypeScript that allows anyone to create simple music compositions.

Composing Studio uses a text format called ABC to compose music, which can be used to transcribe simple songs + guitar chords, as well as other compositions such as choral and folk music. It also provides a friendly and intuitive Web interface with syntax highlighting, real-time preview, audio playback and real-time collaboration.

  • Composing. Studio/productive -…

Termusic – Terminal music player

Termusic is a terminal music player developed with Rust and currently supports MP3, M4A, FLAC and OGG/Vorbis formats. The author, a former GOMU contributor, was rewritten using Rust due to serious issues such as data contention during development.…

Eztd: Make Rust easier to learn

The project is committed to “learnability and control” and its objectives include:

  • Low syntax noise

  • Familiar with Python developers

  • Allows optimization of inner loops

  • Interoperable with Rust ecology


  • Epage. Making. IO/blog / 2021/0…

Rustls 0.20 was released

Russtls is a modern TLS library written by Rust. It uses Ring for encryption and libwebpki for certificate verification.

Version 0.20 has been released.…

Dune: A shell written by Rust…