For a list of documents, see: Rust Mobile Complex Graphics Rendering Project Development Series summary (table of Contents)


Set debug to compile features

debug = []
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Build learning rs

#! [deny(warnings)]

extern crate build_helper;
extern crate cc;

use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use build_helper::{run, native_lib_boilerplate};

fn main() {
    // FIXME: This is a hack to support building targets that don't
    // support jemalloc alongside hosts that do. The jemalloc build is
    // controlled by a feature of the std crate, and if that feature
    // changes between targets, it invalidates the fingerprint of
    // std's build script (this is a cargo bug); so we must ensure
    // that the feature set used by std is the same across all
    // targets, which means we have to build the alloc_jemalloc crate
    // for targets like emscripten, even if we don't use it.
    let target = env::var("TARGET").expect("TARGET was not set");
    let host = env::var("HOST").expect("HOST was not set");
    if target.contains("bitrig") || target.contains("emscripten") || target.contains("fuchsia") ||
       target.contains("msvc") || target.contains("openbsd") || target.contains("redox") ||
       target.contains("rumprun") || target.contains("wasm32") {

    // CloudABI ships with a copy of jemalloc that has been patched to
    // work well with sandboxing. Don't attempt to build our own copy,
    // as it won't build.
    if target.contains("cloudabi") {

    if target.contains("android") {
    } else if! target.contains("windows") && !target.contains("musl") {

    if let Some(jemalloc) = env::var_os("JEMALLOC_OVERRIDE") {
        let jemalloc = PathBuf::from(jemalloc);
        let stem = jemalloc.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
        let name = jemalloc.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
        let kind = if name.ends_with(".a") {
        } else {
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}={}", kind, &stem[3. ] );return;

    let link_name = if target.contains("windows") { "jemalloc" } else { "jemalloc_pic" };
    let native = match native_lib_boilerplate("jemalloc"."jemalloc", link_name, "lib") {
        Ok(native) => native,
        _ => return};let mut cmd = Command::new("sh");
                          .replace("\ \"."/"))
       // jemalloc generates Makefile deps using GCC's "-MM" flag. This means
       // that GCC will run the preprocessor, and only the preprocessor, over
       // jemalloc's source files. If we don't specify CPPFLAGS, then at least
       // on ARM that step fails with a "Missing implementation for 32-bit
       // atomic operations" error. This is because no "-march" flag will be
       // passed to GCC, and then GCC won't define the
       // "__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4" macro that jemalloc needs to
       // select an atomic operation implementation.
       .env("CPPFLAGS", env::var_os("CFLAGS").unwrap_or_default());

    if target.contains("ios") {
    } else if target.contains("android") {
        // We force android to have prefixed symbols because apparently
        // replacement of the libc allocator doesn't quite work. When this was
        // tested (unprefixed symbols), it was found that the `realpath`
        // function in libc would allocate with libc malloc (not jemalloc
        // malloc), and then the standard library would free with jemalloc free,
        // causing a segfault.
        // If the test suite passes, however, without symbol prefixes then we
        // should be good to go!
    } else if target.contains("dragonfly") || target.contains("musl") {

    if cfg!(feature = "debug") {
        // Enable jemalloc assertions.

    cmd.arg(format!("--host={}", build_helper::gnu_target(&target)));
    cmd.arg(format!("--build={}", build_helper::gnu_target(&host)));

    // for some reason, jemalloc configure doesn't detect this value
    // automatically for this target
    if target == "sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu" {

    run(&mut cmd);

    let mut make = Command::new(build_helper::make(&host));

    // These are intended for mingw32-make which we don't use
    if cfg!(windows) {

    // mingw make seems... buggy? unclear...
    if! host.contains("windows") {
            .arg(env::var("NUM_JOBS").expect("NUM_JOBS was not set"));

    run(&mut make);

    // The pthread_atfork symbols is used by jemalloc on android but the really
    // old android we're building on doesn't have them defined, so just make
    // sure the symbols are available.
    if target.contains("androideabi") {
            .compile("pthread_atfork_dummy"); }}Copy the code


use std::fs::File;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use std::{env, fs};
use std::thread;

/// A helper macro to `unwrap` a result except also print out details like:
/// * The file/line of the panic
/// * The expression that failed
/// * The error itself
/// This is currently used judiciously throughout the build system rather than
/// using a `Result` with `try! `, but this may change one day...
macro_rules! t {
    ($e:expr) => {
        match $e {
            Ok(e) => e,
            Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {}".stringify!($e), e),

pub fn run(cmd: &mut Command) {
    println!("running: {:? }", cmd);

pub fn run_silent(cmd: &mut Command) {
    if! try_run_silent(cmd) { std::process::exit(1); }}pub fn try_run_silent(cmd: &mut Command) -> bool {
    let status = match cmd.status() {
        Ok(status) => status,
        Err(e) => fail(&format!(
            "failed to execute command: {:? }\nerror: {}",
            cmd, e
    if! status.success() {println!(
            "\n\ncommand did not execute successfully: {:? }\n\ expected success, got: {}\n\n",
            cmd, status

pub fn run_suppressed(cmd: &mut Command) {
    if! try_run_suppressed(cmd) { std::process::exit(1); }}pub fn try_run_suppressed(cmd: &mut Command) -> bool {
    let output = match cmd.output() {
        Ok(status) => status,
        Err(e) => fail(&format!(
            "failed to execute command: {:? }\nerror: {}",
            cmd, e
    if! output.status.success() {println!(
            "\n\ncommand did not execute successfully: {:? }\n\ expected success, got: {}\n\n\ stdout ----\n{}\n\ stderr ----\n{}\n\n",

pub fn gnu_target(target: &str) - > &str {
    match target {
        "i686-pc-windows-msvc"= >"i686-pc-win32"."x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"= >"x86_64-pc-win32"."i686-pc-windows-gnu"= >"i686-w64-mingw32"."x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"= >"x86_64-w64-mingw32",
        s => s,

pub fn make(host: &str) -> PathBuf {
    if host.contains("bitrig") || host.contains("dragonfly") || host.contains("freebsd")
        || host.contains("netbsd") || host.contains("openbsd")
        PathBuf::from("gmake")}else {
        PathBuf::from("make")}}pub fn output(cmd: &mut Command) -> String {
    let output = match cmd.stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output() {
        Ok(status) => status,
        Err(e) => fail(&format!(
            "failed to execute command: {:? }\nerror: {}",
            cmd, e
    if! output.status.success() {panic!(
            "command did not execute successfully: {:? }\n\ expected success, got: {}",
            cmd, output.status

pub fn rerun_if_changed_anything_in_dir(dir: &Path) {
    let mutstack = dir.read_dir() .unwrap() .map(|e| e.unwrap()) .filter(|e| &*e.file_name() ! =".git")
        .collect::<VecThe < _ > > ();while let Some(entry) = stack.pop() {
        let path = entry.path();
        if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() {
            stack.extend(path.read_dir().unwrap().map(|e| e.unwrap()));
        } else {
            println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.display()); }}}/// Returns the last-modified time for `path`, or zero if it doesn't exist.
pub fn mtime(path: &Path) -> SystemTime {
        .and_then(|f| f.modified())

/// Returns whether `dst` is up to date given that the file or files in `src`
/// are used to generate it.
/// Uses last-modified time checks to verify this.
pub fn up_to_date(src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> bool {
    if! dst.exists() {return false;
    let threshold = mtime(dst);
    let meta = match fs::metadata(src) {
        Ok(meta) => meta,
        Err(e) => panic!("source {:? } failed to get metadata: {}", src, e),
    if meta.is_dir() {
        dir_up_to_date(src, threshold)
    } else {
        meta.modified().unwrap_or(UNIX_EPOCH) <= threshold

pub struct NativeLibBoilerplate {
    pub src_dir: PathBuf,
    pub out_dir: PathBuf,

impl NativeLibBoilerplate {
    /// On OSX we don't want to ship the exact filename that compiler-rt builds.
    /// This conflicts with the system and ours is likely a wildly different
    /// version, so they can't be substituted.
    /// As a result, we rename it here but we need to also use
    /// `install_name_tool` on OSX to rename the commands listed inside of it to
    /// ensure it's linked against correctly.
    pub fn fixup_sanitizer_lib_name(&self, sanitizer_name: &str) {
        if env::var("TARGET").unwrap() ! ="x86_64-apple-darwin" {

        let dir = self.out_dir.join("build/lib/darwin");
        let name = format!("clang_rt.{}_osx_dynamic", sanitizer_name);
        let src = dir.join(&format!("lib{}.dylib", name));
        let new_name = format!("lib__rustc__{}.dylib", name);
        let dst = dir.join(&new_name);

        println!("{} = > {}", src.display(), dst.display());
        fs::rename(&src, &dst).unwrap();
        let status = Command::new("install_name_tool")
            .arg(format!("@rpath/{}", new_name))
            .expect("failed to execute `install_name_tool`");
        assert!(status.success()); }}impl Drop for NativeLibBoilerplate {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if! thread::panicking() { t! (File::create(self.out_dir.join("rustbuild.timestamp"))); }}}// Perform standard preparations for native libraries that are build only once for all stages.
// Emit rerun-if-changed and linking attributes for Cargo, check if any source files are
// updated, calculate paths used later in actual build with CMake/make or C/C++ compiler.
// If Err is returned, then everything is up-to-date and further build actions can be skipped.
// Timestamps are created automatically when the result of `native_lib_boilerplate` goes out
// of scope, so all the build actions should be completed until then.
pub fn native_lib_boilerplate(
    src_name: &str,
    out_name: &str,
    link_name: &str,
    search_subdir: &str) - >Result<NativeLibBoilerplate, ()> {
    let current_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
    let src_dir = current_dir.join("..").join(src_name);

    let out_dir = env::var_os("RUSTBUILD_NATIVE_DIR").unwrap_or_else(||
    letout_dir = PathBuf::from(out_dir).join(out_name); t! (fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir));if link_name.contains('=') {
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", link_name);
    } else {
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", link_name);

    let timestamp = out_dir.join("rustbuild.timestamp");
    if! up_to_date(Path::new(""), &timestamp) || ! up_to_date(&src_dir, &timestamp) {Ok(NativeLibBoilerplate {
            src_dir: src_dir,
            out_dir: out_dir,
    } else {
        Err(())}}pub fn sanitizer_lib_boilerplate(sanitizer_name: &str) - >Result<(NativeLibBoilerplate, String), () > {let (link_name, search_path, apple) = match &*env::var("TARGET").unwrap() {
        "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"= > (format!("clang_rt.{}-x86_64", sanitizer_name),
            "build/lib/linux".false,),"x86_64-apple-darwin"= > (format!("clang_rt.{}_osx_dynamic", sanitizer_name),
        _ => return Err(()),};let to_link = if apple {
        format!("dylib=__rustc__{}", link_name)
    } else {
        format!("static={}", link_name)
    let lib = native_lib_boilerplate(
        "libcompiler_builtins/compiler-rt", sanitizer_name, &to_link, search_path, )? ;Ok((lib, link_name))

fn dir_up_to_date(src: &Path, threshold: SystemTime) -> bool{ t! (fs::read_dir(src)).map(|e| t! (e)).all(|e| {letmeta = t! (e.metadata());if meta.is_dir() {
            dir_up_to_date(&e.path(), threshold)
        } else {
            meta.modified().unwrap_or(UNIX_EPOCH) < threshold

fn fail(s: &str) -> ! {
    println!("\n\n{}\n\n", s);
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