The rapid growth of software applications is no longer just a welcome thing in itself, but a real opportunity to profoundly improve business processes across all industries. Therefore, for enterprises and industries, creating outstanding software solutions through appropriate programming has become the key to competition.

Let’s take a look at two programming languages that have become more popular in recent years: Golang and Ruby.

Ruby vs Golang: Performance

The key tenets of Golang’s development are simplicity and productivity. The syntax of Go language is simple, intuitive, and easy to read, allowing programmers to learn quickly. Rob Pike, one of the lead authors of Go, has stated that the language was created specifically to simplify the development process and get results quickly.

Ruby’s design also focuses on simplicity and productivity, and its fans call it a beautiful, clever language. Ruby and Golang, both influenced by the C series programming language, are relatively young but have captured the hearts of many people, including programmers and business decision makers.

Golang is perfect for both simple and complex multithreaded tasks, which is why Google designed the language. Influenced by the popular Ruby on Rails framework, Ruby is great for creating small business projects, blogs, and personal pages. But Ruby can be a bit overwhelmed by complex solutions, with low performance speed, which can affect the overall satisfaction of demanding customers. According to our performance tests, the Golang project ran faster than similar projects written in Ruby in the same environment.

Ruby vs Golang: Community

According to Tiobe and Stack Overflow, Golang is one of the fastest growing and most popular programming languages in recent years, while Ruby has fallen out of favor in recent years.

Ruby was created by individuals, while Go was designed by Google, and includes an extensive cloud infrastructure, supporting communities, forums, tutorials, and most importantly other libraries to help the language move forward. In addition, Go is the first choice for many important companies like Docker, BBC, SoundCloud, Facebook, Dropbox, and even Medium. These enterprise users also guarantee the further development of Go. Ruby, meanwhile, has been picked up by Twitter, Shopify, Crunchbase, and more.

Ruby vs Golang: Compatibility

Integration with the programming language and the rest of the software stack can directly affect the speed at which new solutions, features, or improvements can be added to existing programs.

Because of Go’s natural compatibility with other languages, especially the C Series, many programmers can use Golang even when using different stacks, such as Python and Go or PHP and Go, to improve the performance of their applications. In addition, Go is a server-side language that interacts with almost any database. As for Ruby, compatibility is limited to the most popular databases.

Ruby vs Golang: Development experience

Our team has been developing in both languages for years, and each has its pros and cons.

Based on our experience, Golang is well suited for backend systems of any size and highly scalable web servers. Go is a modern, competitive language that gives you fast, high-quality performance, a clean environment, and good compatibility with other technologies. But if you’re more interested in fast delivery of results and don’t have stringent requirements for performance quality, Ruby might be better for you.

From: IT168 author: Tian Xiaoxu