When it comes to the buzzwords of 2019 in tech and investment circles, RPA is definitely on the list. RPA robotic process automation is not only a buzzword today, but has quickly become one of many enterprises’ choices for managing and optimizing business processes.

RPA has been proven to automate 80% of an enterprise’s business implementation processes and improve productivity to save employee time.

Let the right people do the right thing

Mired in time-consuming and repetitive processes at work, most organizations struggle to find ways to improve delivery; Reduce expenses; Ensure consistent quality of work. Organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of roles that require creative, judge-based decision making and knowledge application to organizational development. These roles require that energy and valuable time be spent on the customer-centric business, rather than being bogged down in repetitive tasks.

This is where RPA enables employees to merge these two aspects of their roles to achieve a more efficient work plan.

The introduction of Rpas does not mean that robots directly take over tasks. They are intelligent software designed and directed by humans, intended to collaborate with human employees to perform large, repeatable tasks that would normally be mundane and boring for humans, while reducing errors.

RPA technology transcends traditional automation

RPA helps enterprise departments automate at a fraction of the cost of other traditional automation tools. At the same time, because RPA is non-invasive in nature, it will only take advantage of existing facilities without disrupting underlying systems that are expensive and hard to replace.

Due to the unique non-invasive advantages of RPA, application scenarios are very rich and can be widely used in various industries and departments. Such as bank financial customer business automation and other scenarios; Scenarios such as insurance claim settlement call service automation and visual quality inspection of call center; Automation of supplier master data management and batch creation and management of purchase orders in the manufacturing industry; Retail trade promotion process automation and other scenarios; Telecommunication service order management, know your customer (KYC) process automation and other scenarios; Automatic preparation before power maintenance of public utilities, automatic integration of external portal and internal SAP system and other scenarios.

RPA technology makes enterprise business processes more and more efficient

Today, RPA has proven that it can make an enterprise’s business processes more and more efficient. According to Futurum’s 2019 State of THE RPA and IPA data report, 80 percent of companies that have adopted RPA robots say they have improved efficiency, reduced human error, improved data accuracy, and viewed RPA as a tool to help create value rather than a replacement. 67% of companies cited productivity improvements as their main reason for using RPA; Sixty-three percent cited cost savings as their main reason for using RPA.

Among enterprises that have deployed RPA robots, the most frequently used business processes are data analytics (36%), IT (34%), inventory management (33%), data management (32%), and physical management (32%). Data analysis, financial management, inventory management, IT management will be the focus of enterprise deployment OF RPA. In the next 1-2 years, project management, financial management, customer service RPA applications will be on the rise; For the next 2-5 years, financial management, data analysis, and project management will continue to be the focus of RPA deployments.

Managers see the value that RPA automation solutions bring to their enterprises and are actively adopting RPA as part of their growth strategies.

The original address: https://www.uibot.com.cn/news-7-1379.html