Hello, everyone, the public number of voting results out of small fish ahead of small wisdom 3 votes, we may touch fish more every day, so feel more friendly fish. From today, xiaozhi changed his name to xiaoyu. I don’t know why xiaozhi changed his name. Copyright infringement? Why did Zhi change his name?

Today, Xiaoyu will share with you some of the problems that people who have used ROS will encounter, but few people can figure it out. That’s the rosdep question.

Fish before the beginning of the first to ask you a question, you have used the following command?

rosdep install
Copy the code

Because each installation is to follow the tutorial, others said to run Rosdep on the run, if there is no problem fine, but often because of network problems caused by unsuccessful operation.

1. Since ROSDEP is not successful, can we not use Rosdep?

The answer is yes. One day, a colleague of Xiaoyu came to Xiaoyu and told him that his rosdep was not successful. Xiaoyu told him that you do not need rosdeP to run the code, but you can directly use ROS.

I think this may be a misunderstanding of everyone, because rosdep was officially said to be installed when it was installed, so it has always been believed that it is necessary to run.

What does Rosdep do?

Rosdep is actually ros dependence, managing package dependencies, remember ros has something called package.xml underneath every feature package?

Package. XML not only defines the name of a package, but also contains dependencies, including Depend.

Rosdep helps us find and install dependencies that are missing from a package.

How to use Rosdep?

Two commands are recommended:

Install required dependencies for a package

rosdep install AMAZING_PACKAGE
Copy the code

Install dependencies for all packages under a SRC

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Copy the code

This command will install packages that your feature pack depends on but that the system does not have.

4. Rosdep download failure solution?

So sometimes rosdep is still needed. What if rosdeP fails to update all the time?

Online methods are multifarious, small fish only speak a fundamental solution to the method – open agent. Need agent software can point to read the original text (small wisdom used several years, still calculate stability).

5. Write at the end

Remember the question I asked you at the beginning? Rosdep install is rarely used. Many tutorials teach you to install it, but no one has ever talked about its role, through this article of small fish, the future encounter rosdep related problems, is not soon know the cause and effect.

I am xiaoyu, an in-service robot algorithm engineer. At present, I am doing the public account, and there are dry goods output every day. Welcome everyone to follow xiaoyu’s wechat public account.