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RocketMQ use tutorial related series of directories


BrokerName = brokerClusterName= xuZHU_cluster ## BrokerRole = BrokerRole - A #0 = Master >0 = Slave brokerId=0 #nameServer address, semicolon split namesrvAddr= RocketMQ-Nameserver1:9876; Rocketmq-nameserver2:9876 # Create a topic that does not exist on the server. DefaultTopicQueueNums =4 # Allow the Broker to automatically create subscription groups. Online closed autoCreateSubscriptionGroup = true # Broker service listening on port # brokerIP1 current Broker to monitor IP brokerIP1 = when there is a Broker master-slave #, When brokerIP2 is configured on the broker master node,broker slave nodes connect to #brokerIP2 configured on the broker master node for synchronization. BrokerIP2 = listenPort=10911 # Delete file time, default 4am deleteWhen=04 # File retention time, MapedFileSizeCommitLog =1073741824 #ConsumeQueue by default, 30W files are stored in each file. Adjust according to the business situation mapedFileSizeConsumeQueue = 120000 # 300000 # destroyMapedFileIntervalForcibly = redeleteHangedFileInterval = 120000 # test physical file disk space checkTransactionMessageEnable diskMaxUsedSpaceRatio = 88 # storage paths StorePathRootDir = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store # commitLog storage paths StorePathCommitLog = / usr/local/server/mq queue storage/rocketmq/store/commitlog # consumption path storage paths StorePathConsumeQueue = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/consumequeue # message index storage paths StorePathIndex = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/index # checkpoint file storage path StoreCheckpoint = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/checkpoint # abort file storage path AbortFile = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store / # abort message limit maxMessageSize = 65536 # flushCommitLogLeastPages = 4 #flushConsumeQueueLeastPages=2 #flushCommitLogThoroughInterval=10000 #flushConsumeQueueThoroughInterval=60000 #Broker Role #- ASYNC_MASTER Asynchronous replication Master #- SYNC_MASTER Synchronous double write Master #- SLAVE brokerRole=ASYNC_MASTER # Flush ASYNC_FLUSH #- SYNC_FLUSH synchronous brush plate flushDiskType = # ASYNC_FLUSH checkTransactionMessageEnable = false number # # message thread pool sendMessageThreadPoolNums = 128 # message thread pool number # pullMessageThreadPoolNums = 128 # default the value is false, TraceTopicEnable =false TransactionCheckMax =15 #transactionCheckInterval Parameter: The default checkback interval is 1 minute. TransactionCheckInterval =60000Copy the code


RocketMQ brokcerIP1 broker configuration and brokerIP2 role:…