MIT just released a video about SoFi, a robotic fish

On the outside, SoFi looks like any other fish, but on the inside, it’s much more interesting.

SoFi is a robotic fish designed for scientific use. It was created to be as close to real fish as possible so that scientists can study Marine life in depth.

It can swim semi-autonomously, and the operator can also control it up or down using an improved SNES controller

“Our fish can swim side by side with real fish, and they don’t swim,” the MIT researchers said. It’s very different than when human divers approach.”

SoFi will be a new tool for ocean exploration that will allow us to see things we’ve never seen before, like the birth of whales.

Seeing this, you may be wondering, do we have such an amazing tool? Xiaobian with Giiso writing robot search, there is really!

It is reported that As early as 2001, Chinese scientists began the research of bionic robot fish. Up to now, our robot fish has reached the international advanced level.

It can swim up and down


And three dimensional free walk

The bionic robot fish is small and flexible, which is more suitable for monitoring, search, exploration and rescue operations in the narrow, complex and dynamic underwater environment. It will be applied to the observation of aquatic organisms, underwater grasping, underwater archaeology and other aspects.

Today, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the bionic robot fish will be combined with intelligent algorithms, and its more flexible and intelligent side will be displayed in front of everyone. Are you looking forward to it?

Giiso, founded in 2013, is a leading technology provider in the field of “artificial intelligence + information” in China, with top technologies in big data mining, intelligent semantics, knowledge mapping and other fields. With its strong technical strength, the company has received angel round investment at the beginning of its establishment, and received pre-A round investment of $5 million from GSR Venture Capital in August 2015. Giiso’s research and development products include editing robots, writing robots and other artificial intelligence products.

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