“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


2021 is drawing to a close. Looking back on this year, I have experienced so much, such as changing my job, taking leave for an unexpected fracture, buying a house, moving out for decoration, and preparing to get married.

Bumpy job-hopping

I finally decided to say goodbye to my boss after nearly 10 years

After years of working at a tepid startup, doing what you can, making below-market wages, and staying in a comfort zone. My boss is a nice guy (we still keep in touch with each other), but I have a life to live and a career to start, so I decided to change jobs last year


At the age of 30, I seem to have 10 years of development experience, but actually I have no advantages. My skills are also average. It is not a good choice to change my job directly.

So I started to study systematically again. After nearly a year, I began to look for a job in March this year. It lasted for more than a month. I interviewed more than ten companies. I didn’t ask for leave. Finally, I got two offers, and the salary increase reached 50%. All things considered, and then chose one of the ones closer to home…

Fracture accidents

In mid-April, he and his old employer offered to leave, and the starting date of the new company was set for early May.

However, on April 26 (I will remember this day for the rest of my life), on my way home from work by bike, it was dark and the speed was fast, so I didn’t notice that both the iron plate and the car on the ground had flown out. At that moment, I had already thought of the worst result, whether I would be damaged, and then I would lose my job and my life would be over…

Wearing a helmet, the head was not injured, and finally insisted on riding to the hospital, took an X-ray, diagnosed as patella fracture… To my great relief, my mother and my girlfriend came to the emergency room with me. Promise to ride slowly and be safe!

After negotiation with the new company, it was agreed that I would postpone my entry for one month. Then, when I came to report on the day of entry with crutches, I guess there was no one left. Thank the new company for letting me work at home for a period of time without deducting my salary. Thank the new leader for reimbursing part of my taxi expenses.

Now I have been employed for half a year and my legs are basically well. I am in charge of the front-end development and management of the project in a team of 20 people.

Buying a house and decorating

They say marriage is the “grave” of love, but there is no house, not even a “grave”. This year, I am ready to talk about getting married with my girlfriend who has been in love for many years. After looking at the house for half a year, I finally bought a small second-hand house outside central Of Shanghai

Down payments and loans

Like most stories, he had saved some money over the years, and then, with the help of his parents, the whole family saved enough for a down payment.

As for the loans, since I have been working in a startup company, the accumulation fund payment is very low, so that the accumulation fund loans are not fully loaned, and most of them are commercial loans (here I advise you young friends, if you plan to buy a house in the future, you should find a regular payment company, and it is better to supplement the accumulation fund).

Decorate two suites

After getting the new house in April, I decided to move to the new house and decorate the old house because the old house I lived with my parents had not been decorated for more than 20 years. But not long after I moved to the past fracture, so that the whole decoration process I did not contribute to the old father’s health is not good, everything depends on the old mother to run back and forth, I am very ashamed and regret.

The old house gets a new look. – My desk

Has moved back to the old house, the new house is still under renovation. My legs are all right, and I can finally run errands this weekend, looking at renovations, building materials and furniture.

Buying a house and decoration in the hard is self-evident, and finally can live in their own satisfied new home, I think everything is worth it.

Learning outcomes

Force buckle algorithm

This year, I spent a lot of time on li Kou. Since March, I have systematically copied more than 200 questions.

The biggest receipt is my coding ability has been greatly improved, but it is still very dishes, many questions can not be done for a long time…

Output learning results

According to the famous “Feynman method of learning,” the best way to learn is to relay what you have learned to others.

The Nuggets are more challenging

Wrote articles for the first time in nuggets at the end of October, and got a prize in a recent writing event (spent wool).

  • Nodejs RESTFUL interface to return common HTTP status codes
  • FAQ – What happens when you type a URL into a browser
  • OSI 7 layer model study notes
  • [Luffy]_5 min Learn to reverse linked lists
  • [Luffy]_ Priority queue & Manual heap
  • [luffy] – Priority queue
  • Relearning algorithm – Count sort and bucket sort
  • [Luffy]_ Sort you may not know – MergeSort
  • [Luffy]_ binary search and algorithm problems
  • Learn the Vue3 initialization process
  • Data structure – binary tree
  • Basic data structure – linked lists and algorithms
  • [Luffy]_ Interesting sort – count sort and optimization
  • Data Structure – Stack and Queue (JS)
  • [luffy]_ QuickSort
  • [luffy] insert sort and Hill sort
  • [Luffy]_ BubbleSort

Do UP at station B

The main content of force buckle brush topic direction, irregularly updated for three

  • 725. Separate linked lists
  • 02.04. Split linked lists
  • Reverse linked list II
  • Reverse the linked list
  • Interesting sort – counting sort
  • Classic sorting algorithm – Bucket Sorting (Javascript)
  • Classic Sort algorithm – Bubble Sort (Javascript)


  • I participated in the offline meeting of the opening class bar. It was the first time to participate in this kind of technical meeting. I met various gods and learned a lot

Set sail again

My previous hobbies were bodybuilding and playing the guitar. However, due to the busy year and broken bones, I hardly did any exercise, so I gained more than 10 jin in a year and almost wasted without practicing the piano.

I’m still recovering, and I’m going to get married next year, in order to take good wedding photos. In this set up flag, half a year to thin back!! After busy this time to pick up the guitar this skill……

Finally, attach the previous slimmer photo, lightly spray…