“This is the fifth day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021.”

Write at the front πŸ‘€

What is version control?

Revision control is a software engineering technique used during development to manage the history of changes made to files, directories, or projects. It can be easily viewed and backed up to restore previous versions.

Version control classification

1. Local version control

2. Centralized version controlSVN

All version data is stored on the server, and users only have the version they have synchronized before. If they are not connected to the Internet, users cannot see the historical version, switch version verification issues, or work in different branches. Also, all the data is kept on a single server, and there is a high risk that the server will get corrupted and all the data will be lost.

Distributed version controlGit

All version repositories are fully synchronized to each user locally, so that all version history can be viewed locally, can be submitted offline locally, and can be pushed to the appropriate server or other users when connected to the network. Because each user there is saved are all version data, as long as there is no problem with a user’s equipment can recover all the data, not because of server damage or network problems, cause can not work! Disadvantages: increased the occupation of local storage space, afraid of direct code run.

Common Linux commands you need to know before you do this

  1. CD Changes the directory.

  2. CD.. go back to the previous directory and CD directly to the default directory

  3. PWD Displays the current directory path.

  4. Ls (LL) lists all files in the current directory, but LL (two LLS) lists more details.

  5. Touch create file such as touch index.js will create an index.js file in the current directory.

  6. If rm deletes the file, rm index.js will delete the index.js file.

  7. Mkdir Create a folder.

  8. Rm -r deletes a folder and rm -r SRC deletes the SRC directory

Rm -rf/Don't try this on Linux! Delete all files from your computer!

  1. HTML SRC index.html is the file we want to move, SRC is the target folder, of course, to do this, you have to make sure that the file and the target folder are in the same directory.

  2. Reset Reinitializes the terminal or clears the screen

  3. The clear screen clearing

  4. History Displays command history

  5. Help help

  6. The exit exit

  7. # comments

Go ahead, next Git🀞

  • Git website πŸ”ž
  • Download slow? Try taobao mirror source!
  • Brainless next can be installed

Go ahead and play GitπŸ™Œ

  • Git Bash Here. You can also open it in a folder. It will automatically jump to that directory if you open it.

Open Git on your desktop

Open Git in a folder

Git configuration

All git configuration files are stored locally.

# View all configurations
Git config -l

Check the system configuration
git config --system --list

Check the user configuration
git config --global --list
Copy the code

Git configuration files:

1. Git\etc\gitconfig Git installation directory gitConfig --system system configuration

2.C:\ user \DELL\.gitconfig# Current logged-in user (of course it varies from computer to computer, mine is A Dell computer) --global user configuration
Copy the code

The system configuration User configuration Try changing the git user configuration to 🀘

Click on the. Gitconfig configuration file. Here you can edit the configuration file directly.

  • Try using the command line again

Write it at the back πŸ₯±

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