This is the 12th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

In this article we will take a look at the built-in keep-alive and slot components and what to look for when using them.



wraps dynamic components, it caches inactive component instances rather than destroying them. Like

is an abstract component: it does not render a DOM element on its own, nor does it appear in the component’s parent chain.

is used for component caching because we need to use

when switching to a component that has already been displayed and we don’t want that component to re-render.

How to use

The basic use

can be used in conjunction with < Component > as follows:

  <component :is="view"></component>
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condition can be used in combination with V-if, V-else -if, and V-else.

  <comp-a v-if="a > 1"></comp-a>
  <comp-b v-else></comp-b>
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Use with transitions or animation effects

can be used with
as follows:

    <component :is="view"></component>
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This can be used when we need to switch components frequently with transitions or animations. It is worth noting that

is used when one of its immediate children has been switched. If you have v-for in it, it won’t work. If there are multiple conditional child elements,

requires that only one child element be rendered at a time.

Keep – Props of the alive

Include and exclude

Include and Exclude Prop allow components to cache conditionally. Include and exclude exclude. Both can be represented as comma-delimited strings, regular expressions, or an array.

  1. Comma-separated string
<keep-alive include="a,b">
  <component :is="view"></component>
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  1. Regular expression is requiredv-bind
<keep-alive :include="/a|b/">
  <component :is="view"></component>
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  1. An array that needs to be usedv-bind
<keep-alive :include="['a', 'b']">
  <component :is="view"></component>
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Exclude is also used in the same way, matching the component’s name preferentially or its local registered name (the key of the parent component’s components option) if the name option is not available.


Maximum number of cached components. If this number is exceeded, those that have not been accessed for the longest time will be destroyed. Use as follows:

<keep-alive :max="10">
  <component :is="view"></component>
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element acts as a content distribution slot in the component template, and the

element itself is replaced. In this article, we look back at the Vue3 directive (8), and discuss the use of slot as well as v-slot.


  1. you can use include and exclude to cache on demand.

  2. The named and scoped slots of slot should be used properly.

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