Summary: You want the PivotTable, word cloud, calendar map, radar chart arrangement ~ ~

It has been a full month since the launch of Appropriate 3.0, how do you experience it?

In order to enable you to better realize one-stop data processing and presentation, we have recently upgraded the report board.

We have launched 4 new chart components that are popular in the community: Pivottables, word clouds, calenders, and radar charts.

With this update, we can present business data in a richer format, and we have fixed a number of experience bugs.

Cross pivot table

** “Cross PivotTable” ** is one of the most commonly used visualization forms in daily analysis. It provides multi-stage perspective, index summing, quick filtering and other functions to help you analyze data more quickly.

The word cloud

Through [word] and [weight] Settings, and customize text size, shape and color, can also configure [drill] and [link] to view content jump, make hot word effect distribution.

Calender map

According to the calendar to show the progress of different time, different indicators for color adjustment, suitable for reviewing the time cycle of work performance, work situation and other scenes, let your work calendar a map master.

Radar map

Through the superposition of different dimensions scattered outward from the center, it shows a comprehensive dimension analysis, which is a good visual helper for talent quality visualization, HRM management and sequential evaluation.

Repair the optimization

We also brought the report, data set, visual chart upgrade optimization:

Recent online notice

** Visual chart: ** Multiple table association data enhancement, standard edition supports 3 table association, prime edition supports 5 table association.

** data set: ** supports external data sources, covering SQLServer, Oracle, Mysql and other databases commonly used by enterprises.

** Process analysis: ** provides in-application process efficiency analysis, digitization of approval efficiency, and all-round improvement of digital process efficiency.

In the future, appropriate will continue to take innovation, to give users a better experience!

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