Hello, everybody. Take it off for so long. What did I do? I mainly did two things: rent a house and travel. In June, the student experience card expired and I became a part-time worker. Consider that the end of June and early July is the peak rental season. So, after the defense immediately came to Hangzhou to see the house. I booked an open house on 58.com by contacting several landlords and agents in advance. I looked at nine apartments in one day. After two days of wandering in Hangzhou, I finally got the house done. Let’s talk about how to find the right house for your recent house-opening experience.


1. Factors to consider

1.1 Convenient transportation

Subway is a priority, it’s convenient to go to work and go out on weekends, and it’s also convenient for friends to visit you.

1.2 Working distance

The ideal commute is less than half an hour, or longer, an hour. Longer is not good, think of the day to work overtime, more than an hour to get home, how tired. And get up early in the morning.

1.3 House configuration and budget

As complete as possible on a budget, the key is to fit your personality. For example, if you have a lot of books, you definitely need a space to store them, or if you have a lot of clothes, you definitely need a big wardrobe.

1.4 Sharing roommates

If you share a room, look at your roommates, so how do you screen your roommates?

  1. See you want the hygienic degree of the house that rent together, disorderly dirty poor direct eliminate, of course the wife is clean you also want to consider, reason…

  2. Ask your landlord how many roommates they have and how long they live there. Don’t ask your landlord if there are too many roommates (up to three), don’t ask your landlord if they live too short, and don’t ask your landlord if they have an irregular sleep schedule.

  3. It’s best not to share with a couple.

1.5 toward

Be sure to head south if you can afford it! Sunlight is so important to us! No sunshine, clothes are not dry, stay at home, the mood will be very depressed.

1.6 Transparent house type

The biggest advantage is the natural wind, even if the air-conditioning is not turned on it will be cool.

1.7 sound insulation

Well, you know what I’m telling you, if you don’t want your weekend lie-in ruined by the kids upstairs or the newlyweds next door.

1.8 Surrounding living environment

Whether there is a large supermarket, whether there is a market or a park, directly determines your transportation costs and living environment.

2. Rental platform

2.1 Douban Rental Group

Most of douban’s rental users are young people who do not want to go through intermediaries. Douban group search system is quite basic, only keyword search.

For example, when I typed in renyuan, the location I wanted to rent, the information that popped up was very confusing.

Some are looking for rent information, some are looking for roommates, some are subletting, some have no pictures, some have no price.

It is difficult to judge the information of a house completely only through douban, so we need to add wechat for further detailed communication.

Moreover, the Douban platform itself has almost no supervision over housing listings, and agents have easily dominated the platform, allowing them to post rental listings regardless of whether they are real or fake. There is also a lack of adequate security.

I spent two hours trying to find a non-intermediary landlord in the Douban group to rent a house directly.

Non-intermediary homeowners generally contain the following characteristics:

  1. There are usually only 1-2 listings on your homepage

  2. The pictures of the house are more “real” (no wide Angle, no lighting, no beauty, they are taken casually at first sight).

  3. Contact information is usually only a phone number and wechat, and private chat does not urge you to add wechat

  4. The recovery rate is slow

After consulting with the landlord about the facilities, price and surrounding environment, I came to a conclusion:

Apart from the fact that the house is “rented directly by the landlord”, there are no big advantages to the house. The price is not favorable enough to overlook the defects of the old decoration and the lack of butler service. So I gave up.

Due to the lack of screening functions and disordered information, it takes much longer to contact an apartment on Douban than on other rental platforms. If you don’t have a lot of time and trouble. I really don’t recommend douban group very much.

2.2 Idle fish rental

Compared with Douban, the screening function of Xianyu rental is slightly more complete. You can screen the information of whole rent, co-rent and brand apartment. Click on the details page to see more information, including key information such as room type, rent, location, size and pictures.

But when I tried Posting, I found that the housing information was still optional.

Although in the “rental release notice” statement needs real information, rental after timely removal and shall not charge intermediary fees and other requirements, but all rely on the user conscious seems to be difficult to guarantee.

Only in the intermediary fee on this point, I consulted a few housing sources, are honest to say that there are, just some change the name in the form of service charges.

After a while of communication in Xianyu, I did not find the house directly rented by the landlord. However, Xianyu provides an online signing function. If suitable houses can be found, xianyu signing may guarantee funds to a certain degree.

2.3 how to reside the guest

How to live guest screening than idle fish to be more rich, regional prices are very detailed room type.

More interesting is the “personal listings” option

Click in to see the photos are indeed more real, the price is relatively cheap, but in the past, but found that the truth is not what it looks like.

Most of the calls would tell me that the house was already rented, that there were other houses I could look at, and that the other rooms were much more expensive than the one on the page.

I searched the Internet for the related problems of living guest, and almost all of them were in the same situation with me. Perhaps because it is a platform for selling houses, anjuke does need to be improved in renting houses.

In addition, information published by templates is difficult to screen real landlords or agents through characteristics like Douban, and the efficiency of housing search is even lower.

2.4 58 city

Although many people on 58 now say that fake housing, wechat business, black intermediary, rented housing. But there’s one thing you can’t deny: no matter where you’re looking for listings, you can find them on 58.com.

I use 58 to rent a house. I screened some houses on it, including branded apartments, private houses and secure houses.

So how to identify such agents posing as personal housing?

  1. See description and picture watermark.

  2. Ask the other party directly is landlord direct rent, most people can tell you directly, reply landlord himself basically is, reply direct rent is very likely second landlord or trusteth.

  3. Directly tell the other party that you need to check the property ownership certificate and ID card if you rent. If the other party does not have it, it will directly tell you that he is the agent or the landlord. Of course, just look at it offline.

  4. Communicate with each other about the details of the house, as well as the surrounding conditions of the house, and determine whether it is the landlord himself.

  5. You go to individual listings first, and then you sort out what you want, and then you go down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down. Go down, there is no promotion sign has a great probability is the landlord direct rent, and then click in to view the renter’s home page, if it is only one or two houses are rented, then a great probability is the landlord himself! Finally, direct communication can!

Finally, I directly found a landlord who was willing to show me the property ownership certificate according to the above method. Finally, I felt it was ok and signed a contract to live in the house.

Therefore, 58 tongcheng above is certainly can find reliable house sources, is to ask each other more information, more communication, so correct!

2.5 freely

All the houses of Freely are signed by the platform and released by the official unified management. The authenticity and detail of the information are guaranteed.

Filtering options are also more detailed.

The style of the houses is almost uniformly decorated, which at least seems to me to suit the modern youth aesthetic.

Click the payment method in the details page, you can see the clear amount, including rent, service charge and deposit, no agency fee.

Compared with other platforms, which are used to packaging the agency fee as a service fee, the monthly service fee will clearly include a series of services such as regular cleaning, ultra-fast Wi-Fi, and timely maintenance, which may be more favorable than finding these services themselves.

Also, if the rent is written in sufficient detail, it will reduce a considerable amount of unnecessary communication costs. There is no such thing as a broker’s fee after looking at the house for a long time.

Roommates will also be displayed, but for privacy reasons only gender, zodiac sign and occupation can be displayed.

The explicit geographical location of the associated map.

Disadvantages of ease

  1. The concierge is very warm, but the concierge in your rented community will be somewhat lacking if he or she is not the concierge.

  2. Partition room, that that contains the balcony commonly is partition room, lie between namely get sitting room. Be careful of lovers. You know what I mean. How to distinguish partition room? Knock on the wall and compare the sound.

  3. The price of shared renting is high. The original purpose of shared renting is to save money. However, the price of Freely is not cheap because of its focus on high quality and service. The price of the same house should be at least 20% higher.

As the largest rental platform in China, it has obvious advantages in all aspects of housing supply services. It’s a relief.

Finally, do a rental platform recommendation: Freely >58> Xianyu > Douban > Anjuke

3. Rent a house

3.1 Rental Fees

Rent and deposit

The better the location, the higher the cost, the greater the rent difference in the same city will be. Rent is usually paid monthly and deposit is usually within three months. This year’s unripe and landlord rent directly, also can discuss with landlord detain pay first, hair salary detain pay 3 again.

Water, electricity and gas charges

Water, electricity and gas charges are tiered. Under normal circumstances, there is enough inside the first step. In Hangzhou, for example, peak electricity costs 0.56 yuan/KWH, valley electricity costs 0.28 yuan/KWH, water costs 2.90 yuan/m3, and gas costs 3.1 yuan/m3. More than this price or business water business electricity, or is disorderly charges.

Property management fee

Fees cover the management of public facilities such as security, corridor cleaning and elevator maintenance, ranging from tens to hundreds. The more upscale residential areas, the higher the charge, and vice versa (there is no property management fee).

Internet fee

General situation does not allow private to pull net line, can pay net fee only, net fee is probably 20-60 (every month) within, a few houses can calculate net fee together in property fee.

A rental agent’s fee

If you are entrusted with the agency to find a house, you need to pay a certain intermediary fee, generally the landlord and the tenant bear half respectively, but there are all the landlord or tenant bear the situation, when renting a house, you need to understand clearly.

3.2 Rental Contract

  1. Check lessor’s property certificate and valid identification and ask lessor to settle water, electricity, heating, gas (natural gas) and other charges before leasing the house.

  2. When signing a rental contract, should ask the content that clear rent contains: water, electricity, warm, gas (natural gas), network fee and property management fee are borne by who, charge how to calculate respectively, how pay cost.

  3. Clarify the rent standard, lease term, rent payment time and payment method, and require the lessor to provide the rent receipt.

  4. Determine under what circumstances the deposit can be returned and make an agreement on whether it can be sublet; To make an agreement on whether the contract is breached by early termination; Make an appointment for house maintenance. The liability for breach of contract and the compensation standard for breach of contract should be clearly defined.

  5. Check the good damage of furniture, electrical appliances and other facilities in the house before entering, and agree on the maintenance responsibility, must remember to check whether the toilet sewer is smooth, there is no smell, water pressure, whether water leakage, etc.; Check whether the circuit is aging, whether it can withstand the use of high-power electrical appliances; Check whether Windows and doors can be closed.

  6. Ask your landlord if you can redecorate the room, nail it, wallpaper it, and what you can throw out.

  7. Ask if it’s okay to have a pet.

  8. Had better be able to take a picture first archive, avoid final generation to return a room dispute.

A standard rental contract has been prepared, which can be obtained by replying to [Rental contract] in the background of the official account.

4. The last

The house is rented by others, but life is not. I hope all of you can find a warm and comfortable nest and start your day.