I was walking around Github one day and saw a project I was interested in. I immediately clone it and set up an environment to experience it. The project uses RabbitMQ, so install RabbitMQ on your own computer. So I downloaded from the writer’s environment to build step Erlang and rabbitmq installation package and the installation is complete, I didn’t think rabbit start failure various error after installation is complete, the following is the problems and solutions on pit. When it didn’t work the first time, I immediately went to the Rabbit install pit in Windows for two reasons:

  • Erlang and Rabbit installation paths have Spaces or Chinese characters.
  • C :/users/xx The user name is In Chinese.

In the first case, things work out pretty well. I’ll just uninstall and reinstall both to make sure the pathnames are correct. However, for the second case, things are much more complicated, because the Chinese name of the user is left when the system creates the user, and after the English user name is changed, the folder will not change. And it would be a hassle to change it now. Here it is recommended to use RABBITMQ_BASE the environment variable (www.rabbitmq.com/relocate.ht in official document… In), change this variable to another path that does not contain Chinese, but after that start rabbit will get the following error:

{“Kernel pid terminated”,application_controller,”{application_start_failure,rabb it,{bad_return,{{rabbit,start,[normal,[]]},{‘EXIT’,{badarg,[{io_lib,format,[” ~ -15s: S n “, “home dir”, [67,58,92,85,115,101,114,115,92,21326,19994]]], [{file, “io_lib. Er

(ABOVE I directly copy a paragraph of error up, too lazy to upload pictures)

Just delete the C: Users\ XXX \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ folder and install RabbitMQ again.