Online about single page application (VUE project) wechat sharing to pay attention to there are a lot of matters, I will not list those in the document, said some of their own pit, in the existing information is not easy to find some problems, without words, directly into the topic

  • 1. Ios pages without parameters can be shared successfully, but Android sharing always fails. Specifically, Android can open the link that failed to share after logging in and re-share successfully. Solution: Add? To the test link of the public account configuration. Example:…
  • 2. The page sharing with query parameter failed, android and ios failed to open the link because wechat added from parameter. Solution: Add ‘? Link: name) + self.share. Invite_share_url (router name) + “? &”, when tested, add? , add & when there are parameters on the line, this way to pay attention to the next page to take parameters.
  • 3. Page sharing with query parameter fails on ios and Android, andAll debugs are true, but they behave differently, Android sharing out looks like sharing success, but the actual point is not to share the page, but the home page. Ios is particularly obvious, which is the appearance of sharing failure, as shown in the picture below

    This is the most difficult to find, Google and Baidu are still confused for a whole day, and finally accidentally found that there are Chinese characters in the parameter

Solution: background jump to this page when encord URL inside the parameter…. , pit daddy!!