Implement a simple microservice project using Gin + GO-Micro + Consul to implement service registration and discovery functions

I. Introduction of dependencies:

  1. Gin Framework: Go get -u
  2. go-micro: go get -u -v

    go get -u -v
  3. Consul: Windows version:… Unzip the download and add system variables

Ii. Write user microservice:

1. Project Catalog:

2. router.go:

import ""

func InitRouters() *gin.Engine {
	ginRouter := gin.Default()
	ginRouter.POST("/users/", func(context *gin.Context) {
		context.String(200, "get userInfo")

	return ginRouter
Copy the code

3. main.go

import ( "gin_micro/userserver/routers" "" "" "" ) var consulReg registry.Registry func init() { consulReg = Consul. NewRegistry (registry. Addrs ( "8500"), ) } func main() { ginRouter := routers.InitRouters() microService := web.NewService( web.Name("userServer"), // Web.registerttl (30 * time.second),// Set the expiration time of the registration service // web.registerInterval (20 * time.second),// Set the interval at which to register the service again web.Address(":18001"), web.Handler(ginRouter), web.Registry(consulReg)) microService.Run() }Copy the code

Iii. Write order microservice:

1. Project Catalog:

2. router.go:

import "" func InitRouters() *gin.Engine { ginRouter := gin.Default() ginRouter.POST("/orders/",  func(ctx *gin.Context) { ctx.String(200, "get orderInfo") }) return ginRouter }Copy the code

3. main.go

import ( "bytes" "fmt" "gin_micro/orderserver/routers" "" "" "" "" "net/http" "time" ) var consulReg registry.Registry func init() { consulReg = consul.NewRegistry( Registry.addrs (""))} func main() {// Initialize ginRouter := Phones.initRouters () // Register service microService := web.NewService( web.Name("orderServer"), // Web.registerttl (time.second *30),// Set the expiration time of the registration service // web.registerInterval (time.second *20),// Set the interval at which to register the service again Web.address (":18002"), web.handler (ginRouter), web.registry (consulReg), HostAddress := GetServiceAddr("userServer") if Len (hostAddress) <= 0 {FMT.Println("hostAddress is null")} else { url := "http://" + hostAddress + "/users" response, _ := http.Post(url, "application/json; Charset = UTF-8 ", bytes.newBuffer ([]byte(""))) fmt.printf (" Discover service, response = %v\n", Func GetServiceAddr(serverName String) (address String) {var retryTimes int for { servers, err := consulReg.GetService(serverName) fmt.Println(servers) if err ! = nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) } var services []*registry.Service for _, value := range servers { fmt.Println(value.Name, ":", value.Version) services = append(services, Next := selector.RoundRobin(services) if node, err := next(); Err == nil {address = node.address} if len(address) > 0 {return} // retryTimes++ retrytimes + time.sleep (1 * time.second) If retryTimes >= 5 {return}}}Copy the code

Iv. Start the project

1. Start consul: consul agent-dev-node HHH

2. Service registration

Start userServer /main.go and orderServer /main.go respectively

Publish userServer and orderServer on Consul

Enter localhost:8500\ UI in the browser to go to the Consul interface and view the published microservices:

3. Service discovery

Call the userServer microservice in orderServer /main.go and print the return information to the console