Reflect on yourself

I graduated in 2018 and worked in two start-up companies. I was born by training, but I was not deep enough in technology, so I stayed at the business level. Since the beginning of 17, I have been working on the Internet. The state is always able to complete the function is good, can achieve good. I talk to 29-30 programmers around me, and I feel like they’re out of their depth after five or six years of coding. I was so confused that I resigned from my job to sort out and reflect on myself since February, 2019.

Dazzling technology

From Koltin to Flutter, too many technological innovations. Too many framework innovations, especially the previous nuggets discussion << stop learning framework >>>, and then << stop learning framework >>> etc. Since 17 years, I have been learning framework, from the initial contact with RxJava to now, a whole more than two years of learning framework. Indulge in the realization of their own functions, seems to be their own neglect of a lot. Forgetting about clean code forgetting about so-called data structures, forgetting about so-called design patterns, forgetting about what AMS is and forgetting about so much that scares you

For everyone who sees it

For programmers who want to grow in the long run, and for themselves. Don’t give up on frameworks, it’s a quick writing business, it’s a skill you can get by early. Don’t waste time, spend more time in studying the opposite, maybe you look at the source code, for you to achieve login, for you to write interface did not help, but these accumulation will give you rich returns when unexpected perhaps you learn the data structure, seems to be no help to you, but please insist, do not give up. You may learn design patterns that you won’t immediately apply, but try them out and they will surprise you. It’s not unimportant to try and read the source code.

Additional information

In the future, I will update some series and learn some things together with you, such as data structure, design pattern, and more. I also hope you can supervise.