Ref is used to register reference information for A DOM element or child component. Reference information is registered against the parent component’s $refs object. If used on ordinary DOM elements, the reference information is the element; If used on a child component, the reference information is the component instance.

Note: Whenever you want to manipulate DOM elements directly in the Vue, you must register them with the REF attribute

Ref can be used in three ways:

Name = this.ref. Name = dom element

Name = this.ref. Name = this.ref. Name = this.ref. Name = this.ref. Name

3. How to get an array or DOM node using V-for and ref

When v-for is used for elements or components, the reference information will be an array containing DOM nodes or component instances, an important indication of the ref registration time; Since refs themselves are created as render results, you cannot access them at initial render time because they do not yet exist, and $refs are not reactive, so you should not attempt to use them for data binding in templates.


1. The ref will not be available until the DOM has been rendered. Ensure that the DOM has been rendered. Mounted (){} or this.$nextTick(()=>{}).

2. If a ref is looping and has multiple names, the value of ref is an array, and you can get a single ref by looping.

Ref is used on external components

<div id="ref-outside-component" v-on:click="consoleRef"> <component-father ref="outsideComponentRef"> </component-father> <p>ref on outsidecomponent </p> </div> var refoutsidecomponentTem={template:"<div Class ='childComp'><h5> I am a child </h5></div>"}; var refoutsidecomponent=new Vue({ el:"#ref-outside-component", components:{ "component-father":refoutsidecomponentTem }, methods:{ consoleRef:function () { console.log(this); // # refs-outside-component vue instance console.log(this.$refs.outsideComponentRef); // div.childComp vue instance, component instance}}});Copy the code

2. Ref acts on the elements outside

<div id=" ref-outsidedom "V-on :click="consoleRef" > <component-father> </component-father> <p Var refoutsidedomTem={template:"<div class='childComp'><h5> </div>" }; var refoutsidedom=new Vue({ el:"#ref-outside-dom", components:{ "component-father":refoutsidedomTem }, methods:{ consoleRef:function () { console.log(this); // # refs-outsidedom vue instance console.log(this.$refs.outsidedomref); // <p> tag dom element ref on outer element </p>}}});Copy the code

Ref is used on the inside element – locally registers the component

//ref <div id="ref-inside-dom"> <component-father> </component-father> <p>ref </div> var RefinsidedomTem ={template:"<div class='childComp' V-on :click='consoleRef'>" + "<h5 ref='insideDomRef'> I am a child component </h5>" + "</div>", methods:{ consoleRef:function () { console.log(this); // div.childComp Vue instance console.log(this.$refs.insidedomref); // <h5 > I am a child component </h5>}}}; var refinsidedom=new Vue({ el:"#ref-inside-dom", components:{ "component-father":refinsidedomTem } });Copy the code

Ref is used on the inside element — the global registry component

<div id="ref-inside-dom-all"> <ref-inside-dom-quanjv></ref-inside-dom-quanjv> </div> Vue.component("ref-inside-dom-quanjv",{ template:"<div class='insideFather'> " + "<input type='text' <p>ref ='showinsideDomRef'>" + "< p>ref methods:{ showinsideDomRef:function () { console.log(this); InsideFather console.log(this.$refs.insideDomRefall); // <input type="text"> } } }); var refinsidedomall=new Vue({ el:"#ref-inside-dom-all" });Copy the code