
Some time ago, something happened in the company, so I had to look for a new job. After nearly two months, I have basically decided where to go now. I want to share my experience of this period of time here, hoping to help some people.

Preparation stage

The interview situation

The client is now too tired not only to be familiar with the various points of the project, but also to know how to optimize the project, as well as to be familiar with the principles of various third parties.

From the framework design mode to the underlying principle, we not only need to understand the construction of various tool platforms, but also need to be familiar with the network, data structure, algorithm and other basic computer knowledge.

Psychological barriers

I can expect my interview to be more difficult because of my years of work and rank.

Fortunately, I had a premonition that I might be looking for a job, so I started brushing through some algorithms months in advance.

It’s usually the time spent on the subway. Although not every day in insist, but can insist a little always have a harvest.

It took me about 10 days from leaving my job to sending out my resume. Here I want to thank my family, to help me share a lot of pressure from life.

These 10 days, their efficiency is not high.

First of all, some messy things in life need to be faced by themselves; Secondly, they can not calm down, attention lapses; Moreover, my mind is too impatient, whenever I want to review, I always find that I have to study too many things, and every thing needs to spend a lot of time to study, the more I see some great god’s blog, the more I feel that I have a great distance to master this knowledge point…

It’s a vicious circle. The more impatient you are, the less effective you are. The less efficient you are, the more impatient you are…

Most people would probably feel the same way.

Self adjusting

In such a situation, I can only keep adjusting myself and suggesting that the meal should be eaten mouthful by mouthful. Don’t be impatient, calm down and study knowledge point by point.

Make a list of things you want to research, and then schedule a time for that research. The following is my previous task schedule set by the system calendar for reference only:

Before the interview, the self-introduction, resignation reasons and so on first write down, their introduction to their own, and then prepare some common interview questions, explain to yourself again, try not to panic and stage fright.

The interview process

Most companies now support remote video and phone interviews. It’s very convenient for us to have multiple interviews a day.

This stage can first deliver some of their willingness is not high company, looking for a feeling of interview.

I delivered my resume through Boss Zhipin, pulse and internal push, and arranged my interview schedule to the brim.

I interviewed more than 30 interviews in three weeks.

This stage is physically tired, psychologically also very difficult.

A brief summary of the characteristics of each factory interview:

Baidu, Coupang, etc. : Partial practice, live test some algorithms, design some scene questions and crash questions for you to do

Tencent, Ali, etc. : Partial theory, examination algorithm, let you share your own work highlights and technical difficulties

Little red book: Like will give you the scene questions to let you design some structure

Netease: the depth of the problem is relatively large, will be chasing a knowledge point to expand a lot

Pinduoduo: the breadth and depth of questions are relatively large, and the third party principle will ask more in-depth

Hello, JINGdong, Tuhu, Kuaofou, Byte, soul, etc. : more conventional points, not particularly deep impression, just some iOS related interview questions + algorithm, etc., also quite comprehensive.

Every interviewer has a different style, expertise and focus. For example, some like to follow the project in-depth questions, some like to ask some third parties, some like to ask some architecture…

The end of the interview

This is the offer stage.

At present, hr will only ask you to verbally promise to come here, and then they will talk about the offer with you. However, if you honestly show that you have other interviews going on, they will not talk about the offer with you…

There is no offer in hand, how to argue with other factories

For programmers, this stage is also not to be ignored, because most programmers are more honest and trustworthy.

I don’t really understand how people who say they have multiple offers do it. I was embarrassed, because a verbal promise was also a promise, and breaking it always made me feel bad…

Interview Jokes

Jingdong’s interview is what I want to make fun of. Because hr did not participate in the whole process, the developers directly called to start the interview. After the interview, you are not sure whether you have passed or not, and there is no place to ask. It came across as very unprofessional.

Seven Cats had the worst interview experience. During the interview, the interviewer was very arrogant and asked directly about the expected salary. After saying the salary, he might feel that I was higher and said that’s all for today’s interview.

Harrow travel’s interview feeling is also enough casual, are to add the interviewer’s nails and wechat interview. The last hr face is the most disgusting and likes puA people very much.

Ali these large factories are more powerful, after the water, directly give you a plan, basically there is no room for bargaining.

A little personal advice

  • During the job, we must take our own work seriously and think more from the project itself, which is a good thing. Not only can I learn something by myself, but also I can get promotion opportunities in the company and improve myself. At the same time, it will be of great help to the future interview.

  • Algorithm, must brush, do not put fluke psychology.

  • Develop good relationships with colleagues and superiors, and need their help when memorizing notes.

  • Don’t go job-hopping too often. Spending on your resume really makes a difference.

Want to get some things, will pay some of what, refueling workers!!