1. The introduction

As we approach the end of 2020 and have read a lot of books this year, it’s time to take a look back and make a list of great books to sum up the year. Most of them finish reading on their daily commute. They are mainly divided into IT technology, business management and encouragement, and humanities and social sciences.

2. Recommendation list of good books

2.1 IT Technology

Computers: A History

  • Peter Bentley is a contributing editor at Wired magazine. Professor of Computer Science, University College London (UCL). Translator, Gu Wentian
  • Recommended reasons: Computer science of popular science knowledge, through the story of the pioneers in computer science, clarify the development context of computer technology, including computer was born, the birth of the Internet, the birth of artificial intelligence, etc., Turing and von neumann, shannon, cole Stan, cerf, Tim berners-lee, the Dartmouth conference, etc., worth reading, expanding knowledge, Understand the history of computer, Internet and technology.

How the Program Works

  • Author: [Japan] Yasawa Hisao, translator, Li Fengjun
  • Recommended reasons: If you are still confused about the composition of computing, why to use binary, binary operations, memory, HOW the CPU works, how to control input and output, read this book, illustrated and easy to understand.

Future World Survivor

  • Author: Ruan Yifeng
  • We are in the midst of a new round of technological revolution. This book brings us a clear view of the drastic changes taking place in the current world, including the possible consequences of the development of artificial intelligence and genetic technology. The author’s suggestions and opinions on technical personnel, especially THOSE engaged in IT, are worth thinking about, such as employment system, entrepreneurship… . Ps, read the author’s Technology Enthusiast weekly every week, learn about the world’s technology development and change!

Architecture Deciphering: From Distributed to Microservices (2nd edition)

  • Author: Wu Zhihui
  • Why it’s Recommended: Anyone interested in distributed architecture should check out this book for both breadth and depth. The book explains distributed architecture from topics such as network, distributed theory, RPC, memory cache, distributed storage, distributed computing, full text retrieval, message queue, microservice architecture, K8S, etc.

Column – The Beauty of Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Geek Time (for a fee) : The Beauty of Data structures and algorithms
  • Author: Wang Zheng
  • We all know that data structures and algorithms are basic computer courses, but they are not easy to learn. The author uses vivid language and progressive rhythm to explain the data structure and algorithm in a simple way and benefits a lot. Both theoretical basis, and advanced combat, but also combined with the actual development of the problem to solve the explanation, worthy of recommendation.

Column – The Beauty of Design Patterns

  • Geek Time (for a fee) : The Beauty of Design Patterns
  • Author: Wang Zheng
  • Recommend reason: program development if there is any master secret, it is the design pattern, design pattern is the previous summary of the design routine, is a good way to make the program has the expansion, is the master must go. Coauthored with “Beauty of Data Structures and Algorithms” above. The same simple, combined with actual combat, easy to understand. From object orientation, design principles, programming specifications, refactoring to 23 design patterns, it’s worth reading.

Column – “Seeing the World through the Eyes of a Technologist”

  • Moocs (for a fee) : See the world through the eyes of a technologist
  • Author: liuyubobobo
  • Why you should check it out: This column isn’t a technical explanation, but rather an interpretation of what’s going on in the real world, from a technical perspective. There is the author’s opinion on current events in IT field, the author’s perception on learning methods, and the explanation of “herd immunity”. The author Angle is very wide, the language is also easy to understand, is a good place for IT people to expand their horizons.

2.2 Humanities and Social Sciences

The Beauty of Systems: Systems Thinking for Decision Makers

  • By Denella Meadows
  • The author is Daniel, one of the world’s greatest masters of systems thinking. Systems thinking helps us discover the root causes of problems, which allows us to better manage and adapt to complex challenges. Understand the dynamics of the system, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, there are feedback loops, regulation loops, reinforcement loop rules, system characteristics, traps and countermeasures are summarized and described.

This is China

  • Author: Planet Institute
  • Recommended reasons: This is a popular science book on Chinese geography. With the structure of China’s three-tiered geography, fluent words and exquisite pictures, the book introduces China’s famous mountains and rivers, rivers, seas and lakes, cities and villages, so as to understand China, understand the results brought by geographical changes, and sigh over the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland.
  • Its official account is also called “Planet Institute”, which contains articles and pictures of high quality. I recommend.

2.3 Business management and encouragement

Smart Business

  • Author: Zeng Ming
  • Recommended reasons: The author is the former chief of general Staff of Alibaba Group, based on the practical experience in Ali, summarized in network collaboration and data intelligence business system DNA. Data-driven, promote enterprise evolution and growth, optimize decision-making. Network collaboration, enhance the enterprise connection and culture, expand the enterprise outside the cooperation and win-win!

New Retail

  • Author: Liu Run
  • Why you should read it: The book is clear and fluent. Understand the nature of retail and you will have a clear understanding of the various forms of e-commerce today. Retail is a field connecting people and goods. New retail is more efficient retail. From the Angle of information flow, capital flow and logistics, it discusses various forms of new retail and benefits a lot.
  • The articles and courses of Professor Liu Run are clear and easy to understand. The five-minute Business School course is also worth learning.