Recently, a fan friend sent me a private message asking me a question: how should designers suffering from social phobia do a good job in design collaboration & delivery?

I think there is one principle that can effectively relieve such anxiety: if you can solve problems online, do not communicate with people in person! In this regard, I recommended to him a professional design collaboration platform – Copy. Both the product manager and the front end engineer can cooperate and deliver the whole process online, which can minimize the frequency of face-to-face communication!

And best of all, small teams can use it for free and deliver it online at zero cost. How specific collaboration delivery method son, listen to me slowly talk ~

Online whole process collaboration, reduce face-to-face communication times

As a UI designer, I was followed by a product manager and then a front-end engineer. If the use of copy customer collaboration delivery, the whole process can be carried out online, can greatly reduce the number of face-to-face communication, can be called a social terror necessary tool!

  1. A quick review

When the product manager reviews the design draft, in addition to editing the conventional text, Mick also provides five review tools for matching, namely rectangle, circle, straight line, arrow and thumbtack. You can also refer to documentation or web sites to help clarify your revision.

After the review, the designer can first review all the revision suggestions in the project tree on the left of the page to have a preliminary understanding of the overall review results. Secondly, for each specific review suggestion, Mocker also provides designers with three solution states to choose from: unsolved, solved and closed, so that designers can modify the problems one by one and avoid the phenomenon of missing audit opinions.

  1. A key figure

In the design tool I use, I install the corresponding copycat plug-in, use the plug-in to mark and cut all the materials in the design draft, and then upload it to the copycat platform. The whole process of cutting is less than 2 minutes, and the work of cutting has been completed.

Front-end engineers can download the design document for different platforms (iOS, Android, and Web) based on their own requirements

), different magnification, different formats (PNG/WebP/SVG/JPG), in addition, it can customize the size of the cutting map, quickly adjust the size of the cutting map, to achieve the front end engineers cutting map self-sufficiency.

  1. Smart label

I have to say, labeling is a delicate job. Every time the designer thinks he’s done it in enough detail, the front end can always @ you: What’s the spacing? In view of “mark” this old difficult problem, copy guest also has the corresponding solution!

First of all, automatic labeling. When the mouse clicks or hover an element on the design drawing, the follower will automatically display the width, height, spacing, color and other information of the module. In addition, when Alt is pressed, the hover layer can automatically calculate the percentage with that area as a reference and view the percentage annotation.

The existence of automatic annotation has been able to reduce 80% of the workload of designers, and for special design styles such as shadows in the design draft, designers can use manual annotation, such as text annotation, coordinate annotation, size annotation, color annotation, area annotation and other forms to manually explain the design draft.

Designers collaborate more effectively

Collaborative delivery is not just about designers working with product managers and front end engineers, but designers working with each other as well.

  1. Support mainstream design software collaborative delivery

Copy guest on the platform design draft a high degree of compatibility, the Sketch/support for all major design software Photoshop/XD/Figma/Axure delivery.

Even if everyone uses different design tools, as long as the installation of the corresponding plug-in, we can solve the various embarrassing problems caused by the inconsistency of software. At present, Copycat is still the most compatible platform for Figma. The style name, component properties, and even the variation information of components can be perfectly identified. The technology is very mature.

  1. Design system

Design specification is the soul of product design, a set of perfect design specification can maximize the reuse of resources, to improve design quality and stable output are very helpful.

Moke design system is the exclusive design system platform in China. It can help you manage all design resources in the cloud, including colors, logos, ICONS, text, components, measurement elements, shadows and other materials, to achieve efficient sharing and rapid reuse of resources.

The last

With the copy guest, the design collaboration problem is solved, even if the social fear, you can also use the professional design collaboration platform to solve the delivery problem, and can also make the whole workflow more smooth, work efficiency double!

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