Editor: Zhang Handong

Axum: A Web framework from Tokio

This framework means that tokio ecology is firmly established! A milestone event in Rust Web development! Put other Web frameworks to shame! Of course, I’m not denying the excellence of other Web frameworks!

The framework is fully integrated into the Tokio ecosystem and is maintained by the Tokio team itself. This point is very advantageous!

Checked the stay, the name of a king of Kings 😂, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdo…

Tokio. Rs/blog / 2021-0…

The MeiliSearch search engine incorporates the first six months of refactoring

Improvement Summary:

  1. Improve the indexing system.
  2. A faster version of the filter system was designed.
  3. Provides a new Facet system.
  4. Provide a new Dashboard.
  5. The other.
  • twitter thread
  • MeiliSearch

Fluvio: Modern programmable stream processing platform


Quickwit: The birth of a very cost-effective search engine

From a cost perspective, there are currently two types of search models:

  1. Public search engine. Google/ Twitter/ Wiki /GitHub/ Reddit etc
  2. Private search engine. A limited set of searches. Like your service logs/emails

If you’re running a successful e-commerce business and you’re spending expensive hardware on search, your ROI is probably higher, so you don’t care about that cost.

But when your log search is a big part of your hardware cost, you should be concerned about that cost.

The Quickwit search engine is designed to solve this problem, based on Tantivy, a distributed search engine similar to Lucene.

This is our first release, and it lays the foundation for a cost-effective search engine.

Specifically, Quickwit 0.1 takes the form of a command line interface to create, index, and provide search clusters, with the following key features.

  • Quick indexing supported by Tantivy
  • Improved index data structure layout that can be opened and read directly from the object store
  • Distributed search with stateless instances
  • Scalable less-consistent infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol based on SWIM (Scalable less-consistent infection-style Process Membership Protocol) Evolved from the Gossip protocol), without worrying about Leader or consensus
  • Configurable mapping
  • Natural query language

How Quickwit can save costs:

  1. Segment replication is used to optimize indexes and reduce CPU usage
  2. Separate storage and computation, reduce CPU idle time
  3. Use hot start bundles to reduce the cost of opening indexes per query
  4. Use concurrent requests to address the low throughput of S3
  5. Use a custom index format to reduce the search critical path

Quickwit. IO/blog/quickw…

🌱🦀🌱 Trillium: Component library for building asynchronous Web applications

  • Trillium means trillium, or clover.

  • The overall architecture of Trillium was inspired by the Elixir Plug and was intended to be a hybrid of Plug and Tide.

  • Trillium is characterized by componentization and everything is opt-in.

  • The core concept of Trillium is: Handlers/ Conn/ Adapters

  • Trillium follows the 12 Factor configuration approach and accepts the configuration in the environment as much as possible.

  • trillium.rs/

  • Github.com/trillium-rs…