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I recommend a few good MySQL books that should help you avoid the pitfalls of learning MySQL and get to a good level. The books or materials I recommend here are divided into two parts, respectively, the use of MySQL and MySQL source code learning. In the introduction process, I will intersperse simple comments or impressions.

1. The use of MySQL

1.1 MySQL technical insider :InnoDB storage engine

To learn the use of MySQL, the first book is “MySQL Technology Insider :InnoDB Storage Engine” by Jiang Chengyao. Of course, Sir Jiang is not my manager to recommend this book. This book does from gradually into the deep, simple, is the most amazing MySQL technology books written by Chinese, in line with the way of thinking and reading habits of the People, and this book is an interview treasure book, for the recent friends who have jobs related to MySQL, you can read carefully, to find a job has great help. Of course, some people say that this book is difficult to get started, so I choose it myself. My personal advice is to get started with this book. If you don’t know anything, you can turn to the official manual and Google.

1.2 MySQL Official Manual

When I first started learning MySQL, I made the mistake of not reading the official MySQL manual properly. For example, I had a hard time understanding the lock of InnoDB at the beginning, especially how to lock it in various situations. This problem bothered my younger brother for a while when he joined Baidu as a DBA. We even talked about it. MySQL official manual is very large, it will be difficult to finish in a short time, I recommend reading the relevant section of InnoDB first.


1.3 MySQL Troubleshooting Guide

The MySQL misarrangement guide was introduced to China in the summer of 2015 books, this book can be said to be the DBA quick guide, introduce the content is actually quite simple, but also very practical, for the DBA this exquisite experience of work, this book is to teach experience, DBA is likely to have more working experience, basic nothing in this book, however, This book will be of great help to those who have just entered the workplace or students in schools. It is highly recommended.

1.4 High-performance MySQL

“High Performance MySQL” is a classic in the field of MySQL, has a wide range of influence, learning MySQL friends should have heard, so I will not introduce too much, the only advice is to watch carefully, carefully, watch several times, I will have a lot of gain every time I watch. This is a book that needs to be read carefully, page by page, line by line, even though it is very thick.

1.5 Database index design and optimization

If you read the first few books, you’ll probably have a pretty good grasp of MySQL. However, if you don’t know how to design a good index, you’re still not going to be a good DBA, a good DBA, or a bad DBA. Database Index Design and Optimization is a shortcut from an ordinary DBA to an excellent DBA. This book is highly respected inside Taobao, but it is not very famous in China, and many people do not know it. This book is also this summer just have Chinese version, it is very worth starting with later follow the practice, although not many people know, douban is almost no evaluation, but, strongly recommend, recommend blood!

1.6 Effective MySQL series

The Effective MySQL Series is about:

  • Effective MySQL Replication Techniques in Depth
  • SQL statement optimization for Effective MySQL
  • Effective MySQL backup and restore

This series is not as good as the previous recommendations. I have only read the first two books, which are booklets that I can read if I have the time to get into a deeper understanding of a particular “module”.

2. The MySQL source

There are very few books on MySQL source code, but fortunately there are two good books on the market now, and just one on the server layer, one on innoDB storage engine layer, for learning MySQL source code will be very helpful, at least can more quickly understand the principle and macro structure of MySQL, and then go into details. In addition, there are some blogs or PPT will be good, here are some of the best materials.

2.1 InnoDB – A journey to the core

InnoDB – A Journey to the Core InnoDB – A Journey to the Core is A PPT written by MySQL leader Jeremy Cole. It introduces InnoDB’s storage modules, namely table space, extents, segments, page format, record format, slots, etc. Is the best material to learn about Innodb storage. Thank you Jeremy Cole!

2.2 Dig into MySQL source code

Dengbo share “deep MySQL source”, I believe that many want to understand the source of MySQL friends already know this PPT, but more introduction, however, to say one more sentence, dengbo reference listed a few blogs, should pay attention to, dry goods full, is to learn MySQL must pay attention to the blog.

2.3 In-depth understanding of MySQL core technology

“Deep understanding of MySQL core Technology” is the first book about MySQL source code book, focusing on the introduction of MySQL Server layer, focusing on the macro architecture, for just started to learn MySQL source code, I believe there will be a great help, I learn MySQL source code in the process, repeatedly read several times, This book is a pain to read at first, but very helpful for researching MySQL source code, depending on whether you need it or not. Without a commitment to researching MySQL source code, this book should be rejected.

2.4 MySQL kernel: InnoDB storage engine

MySQL kernel: InnoDB Storage Engine, probably the most carefully studied book in the universe, although there are many editing errors in the book, but, to be fair, it is written very well, compared to the “In-depth Understanding of MySQL core Technology”, more readable, I recommend those who study InnoDB storage engine, you can read it. First have a macro concept of Innodb, have a general understanding of the general principles, and then go into details, it will be much faster than starting from scratch, this book can help you get twice the result with half the effort.

MySQL 2.5 Internals Manual

The MySQL Internals Manual is a very rough document compared to the MySQL Internals Manual. You can refer to it when researching the MySQL source code. However, don’t expect the documentation to answer your questions.


2.6 Principles and Implementation of MariaDB

MariaDB (Group Commit, thread pool, replication, MySQL Server) is a very useful tool for implementing the MySQL Server layer.

3. Afterword.

I hope the materials recommended here are helpful to students and friends learning MySQL, and welcome to recommend reliable learning materials, so that we can make progress together.

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