As a programmer, every day when I encounter problems in programming, I have to go to the famous CSDN website to check for information and see if any of my peers have similar problems. A lot of times, a search based on the error message you encountered results in CSDN blogs. When these blogs open, they display a lot of ads, as shown below.

As a technical person, I can understand the reason why these websites put advertisements. Only when they make profits can they have funds to provide us with better free services. There is nothing wrong with that, but how embarrassing it would be if my boss passed by me and mistakenly thought I was on Taobao while I was concentrating on reading these posts on CSDN blog.

So it’s worth finding a Chrome extension that automatically removes CSDN ads, at least during work hours.

I did a little digging around the web and found this useful Chrome extension:…

Download this 02-simple-CSDn-ad-Blocker:

Then enter chrome:// Extensions to Load Unpacked and select the download folder to complete installation.

This is the effect of enabling the extended application, which is much cleaner, and no longer bothered by advertisements:

Thanks to JerryYuanJ, author of this extended app

For more of Jerry’s original articles, please follow the public account “Wang Zixi “: