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In recent years, with the rapid popularity of mobile smart devices, mobile multi-terminal unified development framework has become a hot topic. Here we have compiled 4 premium Flutter open source projects to help you.

Flutter imitates tremulous sounds

Flutter emulating Douyin open source, left to search, right to personal center, scroll up and down to view the video, double click on the “Like” love, ineffable emulating, thanks to Star.

Application screenshots

Realize the function

  • Swipe the video up and down, and the video will automatically load the cover
  • Swipe left and right to search with personal center
  • Double click on the love to like
  • To read the comments
  • Toggle the bottom Tabbar

The project structure

Rely on:

# FijkPlayer: ^0.8.3 # Basic transparent animation tapped effects Any # map Safemap: anyCopy the code

Main documents:

./lib ├── all exercises ├─ all exercises ├─ all exercises ├─ all exercises ├─ all exercises ├─ all exercises │ ├─ ├─ Homepage.htm # ├─ ├.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm #.htm │ ├─ MsGDetailListPage.dart # │ ├─ MsgPage.dart # │ ├─ SearchPage.dart # │ ├─ │ ├─ ├─ ├─ ├─ class │ ├─ class │ ├─ class │ ├─ class │ ├─ class │ ├─ class │ ├─ class │ ├─ class │ ├─ class │ ├─ ├─ ├─ ├─ download.txt # ├─ download.txt # ├─ download.txt # ├─ download.txt # Can be set to load the style of the button component ├ ─ ─ selectText. Dart # can be set to "select" or "uncheck" style of the text ├ ─ ─ tikTokCommentBottomSheet. Dart # imitation Tiktok comment style ├ ─ ─ Tiktokheader.dart # Mock ├─ tikTokScaffold # Mock tikTokScaffold # Mock tikTokScaffold # Mock tikTokScaffold # Mock tikTokScaffold # Mock tikTokScaffold # Mock TikTokFramework.Dart # Mock tikTokScaffold # Mock TikTokFrameWork.Gif ├── TikTokVideo.Dart # Does not contain the video playback ├ ─ ─ tikTokVideoButtonColumn. Dart # imitation Tiktok video button on the right side of the head and thumb up column components ├ ─ ─ tikTokVideoGesture. Dart # imitation Tiktok double-click the thumb up effect ├ ─ ─ Tiktokvideoplayer.dart # With control sliding VideoListController class ├ ─ ─ tiktokTabBar. The bottom of the dart # imitation Tiktok Tabbar component ├ ─ ─ tilTokAppBar. Dart # imitation Tiktok Appbar component ├ ─ ─ └─ userMsgRow. Dart # A style component for user info, topToolrow. dart # top state of user page, hide the back button when TAB switches to user pageCopy the code

The project address…

Flutter bettas APP

Application screenshots

Mainly covers functions

  • Slide state navigation, wheel – cast chart
  • Mobile px compatible
  • Encapsulate HTTP and I/O caching operations
  • Page routing and value transmission
  • Bloc Global state management
  • Gift banner animation queue
  • Barrage messages scroll
  • Access static video streams
  • Nine squares raffle game
  • Pictures to choose
  • The webView container

The project address…

Flutter Douban client

Application screenshots

Function is introduced

Home pages/home

Dart Home navigation header home_page. Dart home my_home_tab_bar.dart Home TAB

Audio book pages/movie

Dart Book/AUDIO page Detail_Page. Dart Movie/TV details page Person_detail_page. Dart Describes the actors

Group pages/group
Fair shop_page. Dart

The market data uses two WebViews

My page/person

The project address…

Flutter is an open source Chinese client

Google Flutter is an open source Chinese client that supports Android and iOS.

Application screenshots




  • Login (using the OSC account)
  • View information (not logged in to view)
  • View, reply, post, comment (login required)
  • Mobile small black room (login required)
  • The “discovery” part of the function is basically implemented with H5

The project address…