Hello, everyone, I am ba Ge, today to share with you some, I personally feel very practical enterprise open source software, are some of my work in the project used open source software including: code management, CD/CD, API management and so on, welcome you to add and collect.


GitLab is an open source project for the warehouse management system. Using Git as a code management tool, you can directly use the Official GitLab Git warehouse management service, or use GitLab to build their own.

It is recommended to set up Gilab server by yourself. Using the official service directly will kill you. The network is so slow that sometimes the code can not be pushed up, so you have to use a ladder. Besides being a Git repository, GitLab can also be used as a container repository and CI/CD tool. I used GitLab to do CI/CD when I built my own repository, which also saves building and maintaining Jenken.

If you want to know how Gitlab makes CI/CD, you are recommended to check out this article: What is it like to make CI/CD with GitLab, it is so strong!!

Portal: about.gitlab.com/

The Nexus Maven repositories

Before Nexus, we used The Maven warehouse of Aliyun, but it seems that after acquiring Teambition, we merged it. It feels very complicated to use, so we don’t recommend it. However, the acceleration of Maven warehouse is still very serious, which can only be said that it is really fragrant.

The current Nexus used by my company is also built by myself, with complete permission management and LDAP support, which can fully meet the needs of enterprises.

Portal: repository.sonatype.org/


To use this tool for the first time, then still work in a travel hello felt first open the page is very simple, after using the API management functions are very perfect, then baidu once yapi found is an open source API management tool, but also support network deployment, very suitable for some start-up.


  • Define the structure and documentation of the data returned by the interface based on Json5 and Mockjs, making it multiple times more efficient
  • The flat permission design ensures the management of large-scale enterprise-level projects and the ease of use
  • Interface debugging like Postman
  • Automated testing with support for Response assertion
  • MockServer, in addition to supporting regular random mocks, adds mock expectations, which return expected data based on set request filtering rules
  • Support postman, HAR, Swagger data import
  • Free, open source, Intranet deployment, information is no longer afraid to leak

Portal: hellosean1025. Making. IO/yapi /


JumpServer is the world’s first open source fortificator. It uses the GNU GPL V2.0 open source protocol and is a 4A compliant operation and maintenance security audit system.

  • Open source: zero threshold, quick access and installation online;
  • Distributed: easily supports large-scale concurrent access;
  • No plug-in: only the browser, the ultimate Experience of using Web Terminal;
  • Multi-cloud support: a system that manages assets on different clouds simultaneously;
  • Cloud storage: Audit video cloud storage, never lost;
  • Multi-tenant: a system used by multiple subsidiaries and departments;
  • Multi-application support: database, Windows remote application, Kubernetes.

Portal: www.jumpserver.org/

Ten years ago

Some time ago, a new colleague used OA to apply fortnate permission, and then directly connected the production database with fortnate, and executed an update statement without adding where condition. Fortunately, it was only a secondary table, not the main table, and I was quite worried about it from the opposite side.

Ten years ago, this is a lightweight MySQL SQL statement audit platform for small and medium-sized enterprises. Provide query audit, SQL audit and other functions.


  • The SQL query
  • SQL audit
  • push
  • User rights and management
  • other
  • AutoTask automatically executes

Wister. IO /


OpsManage is a management platform for device assets, code deployment, application deployment, and planned tasks. Combining with Ansible for automated o&M, OpsManage can greatly liberate the hands of O&M engineers. Similar operation and maintenance platform is Tencent’s Blue Whale operation and maintenance management platform.

Portal: github.com/welliamcao/…


Arthas is an open source Java diagnostic tool for Alibaba that developers love.

Arthas can help you when you are stuck with a problem like the following:

  • From which JAR is this class loaded? Why are all kinds of class-related exceptions reported?
  • Why didn’t the code I changed execute? Did I not commit? Got the branch wrong?
  • If you encounter a problem, you cannot debug it online. Can you only re-publish it by logging?
  • There is a problem with a user’s data processing online, but it cannot be debugged online, and it cannot be reproduced offline!
  • Is there a global view of the health of the system?
  • Is there any way to monitor the real-time health of the JVM?
  • How to quickly locate application hot spots, generate flame map?
  • How do I find an instance of a class directly from the JVM?

Arthas supports JDK 6+, Linux/Mac/Windows, command line interaction, and rich Tab auto-completion to further locate and diagnose problems.


Sonar is an open source platform for managing source code quality. Sonar is not only a quality data reporting tool, but also code quality management platform. Supported languages include Java, PHP, C#, C#, Cobol, PL/SQL, Flex, and so on.


  • Code coverage: Through unit tests, which lines of code are selected will be shown
  • Improved coding rules
  • Search encoding rules: Query by name, plug-in, activation level, and category
  • Item search: Search by item name
  • Comparison data: Compare the trend of any measurement in the same table

Zen master

Zen Dao is the first domestic open source project management software. Its core management idea is based on Agile scrum, which has built-in product management and project management. Meanwhile, according to the domestic research and development status, it adds test management, plan management, release management, document management, transaction management and other functions. In a software can be software development requirements, tasks, bugs, use cases, plans, release and other elements of the orderly tracking management, complete coverage of the core process of project management.


  • Product management: includes product, requirements, planning, release, roadmap, etc.
  • Project management: including project, task, team, build, burnout chart and other functions.
  • Quality management: including bugs, test cases, test tasks, test results and other functions.
  • Document management: including product document library, project document library, custom document library and other functions.
  • Transaction management: includes todo management, my tasks, my bugs, my requirements, my projects and other personal transaction management functions.
  • Organization management: includes functions such as departments, users, groups, and rights.
  • Statistical features: rich statistical tables.
  • Search function: powerful search to help you find the corresponding data.
  • Flexible extension mechanism, can be extended to almost any place of Zen Tao.
  • Powerful API mechanism, easy to integrate with other systems.


Xxl-job is a lightweight distributed task scheduling platform, whose core design goal is rapid development, simple learning, lightweight and easy to expand. Now open source and access to many companies online product lines, out of the box.


  • Simple: CRUD operations can be performed on Web pages. The operation is simple and can be started in one minute.
  • Dynamic: Dynamically modify the task status, start/stop a task, and terminate a running task, with immediate effect.
  • Scheduling center HA (central) : The scheduling center designs its own scheduling components and supports cluster deployment to ensure the HA of the scheduling center.
  • Executor HA (distributed) : Tasks are executed in distributed mode. Task executors support cluster deployment to ensure task HA.
  • Registry: The actuator automatically registers tasks periodically. The scheduling center automatically discovers the registered tasks and triggers the execution of the tasks. At the same time, it also supports manual input actuator address;
  • Flexible capacity expansion and reduction: Once a new actuator goes online or offline, tasks will be reassigned in the next scheduling.
  • Routing policies: When an executor is deployed in a cluster, it provides various routing policies, including the first, last, polling, random, consistent HASH, least Frequently used, most recently unused, failover, and busy failover.
  • .

If you have a good app or tool to share, leave it in the comments!