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The following article is from the author of Tencent Cloud: The Tao of Python

(Want to learn Python? Python Learning exchange group: 1039649593, to meet your needs, materials have been uploaded to the group file stream, you can download! There is also a huge amount of new 2020Python learning material.)

Pen test

  1. What data structures are commonly used in Python? Please give us a brief introduction.

  2. Briefly describe the differences between single, double, and triple quotation marks in Python.

  3. How to set a global variable in a function?

  4. How do I copy an object in Python? (The difference between assignment, shallow copy and deep copy)

  5. If the contents of CUSTName string are UTF-8 characters, how to convert the contents of CUSTName to GB18030 string?

  6. Write a Python code that removes duplicate elements from a list.

  7. What do these two parameters mean: args *kwargs?

  8. Count the following list words and their occurrences.

a=[‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘apple’, ‘tomato’, ‘orange’, ‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘watermeton’]

  1. Sort the dictionaries in the list: Suppose you have the following list object

alist=[{“name”:”a”, “age”:20}, {“name”:”b”, “age”:30}, {“name”:”c”, “age”:25}]

Sort the elements in Alist from largest to smallest by age.

  1. Write the results of the following code

a = 1 def fun(a): a = 2 fun(a) print(a)

a = [] def fun(a): a.append(1) fun(a) print(a)

class Person: name = ‘Lily’

p1 = Person() p2 = Person() = ‘Bob’ print( print( print(

  1. Suppose we have two lists: a = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’], b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], merge a and b into dictionaries.

  2. Using python’s existing data structures, simply implement a stack structure.

Questions from the interviewer

  1. What are the difficulties encountered in the project? How to solve it?

  2. How is data de-duplicated, cleaned, and stored in a database?

  3. If you have an array that goes up and then down, like 1356742, how do you find 2?

  4. How to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree?

  5. What are the sequences of mysql?

  6. What anti-crawl mechanisms are encountered? How to solve it?

Can you answer all of these questions?