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I offered to leave, but the company gave me a raise. Should I leave or stay?

It happens to be a reader’s question, just to tell you.


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This is a question that a reader of Aobing asked me yesterday. He offered to leave his job, but now his boss has given him a raise, whether to leave or stay.

The reader has four years of work experience in a small company. When he joined the company, his salary base was very low, around 10K. Now two years have passed, but his salary still hasn’t been raised.

Now I can’t stand it. I just went out to meet some companies, and found that there are many more companies here, so I proposed to resign. However, after I resigned, the boss proposed to raise my salary to about 16K.


Reader: Should I go or stay?

Aobing: Let’s go.

Yes, I only have this one word, do you feel very callous, I will give you an analysis, you will find that the callous is his company, is the capital heartless, not me heartless, not readers heartless.

Speaking of the four years of experience (I’m not sure if the software has at least two years of experience), I think the price should not be 10K in any city. Apart from food and accommodation, what is left?

2 years time, how should rise dot, otherwise go out friend party all feel to have no card face, walk to lift not to have a head, be, girl friend is not very bashful look for, say saying ao third think of at the beginning of practice time, tears do not fight for the spirit left from canthus.

Anyway, I don’t think he should. At least he can get such a raise when he leaves. I think he is worth the price, so they will get a raise.

Must go

You may have seen my article before, when I said I was leaving, what’s done is done, and I’m leaving.

Many friends may not understand ha, I will talk about it.

If you choose to stay, your state of mind will be different. You have mentioned quitting, which proves that you have really thought about many aspects and feel that it is not worth staying, then you will put forward the decision to leave.

After that, your working attitude will change a little bit, not to mention whether you work hard or not, your leader will also be afraid of the snake, some of your normal actions, he will feel that you have what idea.

Next you think, you carried dimission, raise salary to stay down, in case by your side of the son know, that…… What do they think? The leader does not give them rise, they are not happy, the tie rises, this wave has a little blood loss.

The truth is that the boys around him, indeed, have not received a raise in a long time, and are ready to leave.

And you are to add salary to stay, you before some point did not do the possibility not very how blame you, but after giving you money all rose to live also did not do well, I feel the likelihood has a bit not too good…..

At the very least, your company will lay off employees later. Who do you think will be the first to lay off these people? You were ready to turn, or you’d be the first.

Anyway, it was you, and I did have examples of that at my old employer, and there were even cases where women couldn’t resist being laid off. There was no emotion in front of capital.

Don’t trust the startup pie

Before, I warned some readers, don’t worry about small company options, most of them are uncashable pie, you should see what you can get, the gains here are mainly in two aspects, one is material, one is growth.

We are all part-time workers, don’t trust so much cake, just care about what you can get.

You may ask what we will give the company, I said a sentence: the best relationship is mutual achievement.

Everyone’s growth must be in constant efforts to come, then we pay so many companies will naturally want to get the company, but we pay should also get their affirmation.

Our relationships with companies are either about mutual use or mutual achievement, and those companies that are mutual achievement are at their highest point.


The reader actually made some mistakes in this matter, for example, he made a mistake with Aobin in the resignation process. My former employer also found out that my salary was not very high when I proposed to resign. It would have been better if I had expressed my appeal earlier.

Let’s go through the general steps of your resignation.

  1. Stem of not happy, produce contradiction, salary is too low, too tired….. Want to run way
  2. Look out for opportunities and schedule on-the-job interviews
  3. Try to get several offers and compare them (environment, platform, treatment, whether there are many girls…)
  4. Be clear about why you’re leaving. If it’s just about money, you can tell your boss that you’re a good person and they’ll give you a raise
  5. If it’s not for the money, you’re basically running away, tired or upset, and there’s no point in keeping it, just mention it
  6. Ask to leave a company for personal reasons after being denied a raise or having an unpleasant offer

I feel this just be a normal flow, c at that time or silly, rush past say I want to walk with eldest brother, actually he also don’t know how much money I, said he just discover really not much, that he seek old greatly say, but that time already late actually.

Everyone is also, if you feel that the environment is good, the company atmosphere and colleagues are good, just because of the money, you can boldly say, do not hide, are to live well, C was economic pressure, cornered, the last impulse.

A few years ago, I thought money should not come first, but still, your boss should not lose us, just like I lent 200 to my friend before, I asked him to pay back, he said, do you still need 200? I don’t need the 200, but what’s mine is mine. That’s the rule.

Come out to work, consider for oneself more, of course eye also should put a bit of long-term, think more, do not worry to make a judgment, very anxious decision often is wrong, have no matter can look for bosom elder brother third third to chat about.

Bear in mind that

Although it is put forward to raise the request, but certainly not you coerce the means of the company, the nature changed, even if you left, the days behind I think will change.

Do everything to leave a way back for yourself, so I said first to face the Offer and then raise things, rather than first mentioned and then go to the interview, put forward to leave the negotiation is only broken our bottom strategy, rather than you cornered measures.

The relationship between the company and you is employment, so there is no need to take it seriously. I have not been in the workplace for a long time, but I think it should be like this. Don’t do anything against your original intention for the company, such as breaking laws and regulations, or all kinds of PUA.

When asking for a raise, you should expect a definite answer, not a yes. It should be a reply with an accurate time and salary increase range of 5K next month. Otherwise, your offer will be rejected at the end of the day and you will find that the company has given you an increase of 200 or you will be given an increase at the end of the year.

Don’t war

The company doesn’t agree or you have to leave, amicable separation, no need to fight, you know the Internet community is small, their HR community is also small.

If you’ve done a lot of bad things that are bad for you and everyone else, just leave and move on to a new company. It’s like breaking up with a bad girl.

Quit want to break up, once repeated, it is easy to absurd.

The main goal is to keep yourself alive, and if you do well, it’s not out of the question to jump back in.

Leaving reason is to write personal reasons four word, don’t write you with a c, or upset a c don’t like him, it has been know a c may be crazy revenge on you, and the leader also think you mean, even if a c really pissed, so you can go to affectionately anonymous diss him, although anonymity can be found out ha ha ha, don’t ask me how I know, Tarnishing and discrediting a person is cheap anyway, but not recommended.

Go to the new company and don’t say anything negative about your old employer. They’ll think you’re bad and that you’ll say the same thing about them the next time you leave.

Go backward

The reason WHY I ask people to interview first and then make an offer is to leave a fallback position for myself.

Because the boss really think that more money to find a cheaper? Or how do you know what the right increase is? It’s great to look around, see what the average offer is, and make a mental offer.

Workplace such as battlefield, we do not play uncertain battle, work can not suffer themselves, son, promise me to take good care of yourself, compared with money, I think the family is more concerned about our health.

Finally, to all the bosses, be kind to each of your employees, because there may be a family behind him that needs his hand to support.

I am Aobing, a tool to survive on the Internet.

The more you know, the more you don’t know, the talent of the [three] is the biggest impetus for the creation of c c, we will see you next time!

Note: If there are any mistakes or suggestions in this blog, please leave a comment.

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