React17+React Hook+TS4 Best practices For Jira Enterprise-level projects React17+React Hook+TS4 Best practices for Jira enterprise-level projects React17+React Hook+TS4

Chapter 5 JWT, User authentication, and asynchronous requests
5-1 Implement the React form, TS type inheritance, and duck type for the login form
5-2 Connecting to the Real Server – Exclusive developer tools introduction and installation
5-3 Important note from the lecturer: supplement 5-2
5-4 JWT principle and Auth-Provider implementation
5-5 Use useContext to store global user information
5-6 Use useAuth to switch between the login and non-login state
5-7 Use FETCH to abstract generic HTTP request methods to enhance generality
5-8 Run useHttp to manage the JWT and login status and keep the login status
Introduction to combined types, Partial and Omit of TS
5-10 TS Utility types-pick, Exclude, Partial and Omit implementations

Chapter 10 delve into React state management and Redux
10-1 useCallback application to optimize asynchronous requests
10-2 State elevation, Composite Components and Inversion of Control (I)
10-3 State lift, Composite Components and Inversion of Control (Part 2)
10-4 Merge component status to implement useUndo
10-5 Use useReducer to manage status
10-6 Introduction to redux usage
10-7 react – story and HoC
10-8 【 extension Learning 】 The History of React Hook
10-9 Why do we need redux-thunk?
10-10 configuration story – the toolkit
10-11 Using Redux-Toolkit to manage the Mode enclosure
10-12 Run redux-thunk to manage login status

Chapter 11 uses react- Query to fetch data and manage the cache
11-1 Manage project modal box state with URL parameters
11-2 React-query is used to handle the server cache
Type 11-3 guard, using useQuery to cache the project list
11-4 Editing and Adding Engineering Features (PART 1)
11-5 Editing and Adding Engineering Features (Part 2)
11-6 Implement optimistic update with react-query
11-7 Abstract Optimistic update for generic hooks
11-8 Delete unnecessary URL parameters
11-9 Summary of cross-component state management solutions

Chapter 12 kanban page and task group page development
12-1 Fixes the previous 3 bugs
12-2 Kanban list development preparation
12-3 Kanban list preliminary development
12-4 Add Task and Bug ICONS
12-5 Add the task search function
12-6 Optimize kanban styles
12-7 Create Kanban and tasks
12-8 Edit task functions
12-9 Kanban and task deletion functions
Drag and drop Implementation (PART 1)
12-11 Drag and drop implementation (Part 2)
12-12 Drag persistence (Part 1)
12-13 Drag persistence (part 2)
12-14 Sort optimistic updates
12-15 Task Group Page (I)
12-16 Task Group Page (Bottom)
12-17 to complete the popover
12-18 Deployment page is displayed after the development is complete