Note: All operations in this article refer to the React official documentation, which is combined with my own debugging ideas.

Current versions react to 17.0.3, the original official document links ~ ~… ~ ~

You can’t debug the React source code directly by downloading it. Need to source package, generate the react, react – dom packaging code, then in his under the program created creat – react – app link to react after the packaging, the react – dom document. Use react and react-dom in your app. However, the packaged file still retains the method name in the source code. We can read the source code first. If we want to break a method in the source code, we can search for the method in the packaged code and then debug the breakpoint.

  1. Install Nodev8.0.0+ and Yarn V1.2.0 +. JDK Yarn can be installed globally using NPM Yarn -g. You can download the JDK installation package from the official website and install it yourself.

  2. Git clone to download the react to the local project.

  3. Packaging the react project CD ~ / path_to_your_react_clone / / / into your local react yarn in the source project build react/index, the react/JSX, react – dom/index, the scheduler –type=NODE // Package react project

  4. Go to the build directory and use Yarn link to point the react and react-dom to the build directory in the local directory. cd build/node_modules/react yarn link cd build/node_modules/react-dom yarn link

  5. Go to your create-react-app project and link the react and react-dom files to your local build directory. yarn link react react-dom

Note that yarn start is required every time a breakpoint is completed for the breakpoint to take effect.

So let’s try it out. =

Add a log line to the react package

After restarting the project, it will take effect in the browser

Next, we can start our debugging tour.