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Last year, I prepared a “Weekly Report of Ping An Technology Mobile Development Team no. 2 (Special Edition of React Native)” as a learning material for getting started with React Native. More than half a year has passed and React Native has been released. Both the community and developers are growing, and this article summarizes some of the high quality learning materials so far.

React Native stacks include Javascript (ES5, ES6), React, and React Native. Of course, you must be familiar with Android or iOS development. After all, React Native was developed based on Native.

In order to systematically learn a subject, it is essential to choose a good book on this subject for careful reading. ES6 recommends Ruan Yifeng’s INTRODUCTION to ES6 Standards, which is the best ES6 learning course and an open source book. You can buy the paper book or read it online. Read React Leads to the Future of User Interface Development Frameworks. This is a very thin but well-covered book for developing React Native. There are only four Chinese books related to React Native, two translated and two original:

  • Reactive Native Development Guide
  • React Native: Use JavaScript to develop mobile applications
  • React Native
  • React Native cross-platform mobile application development

The first two books are foreign translations, while the last two are Chinese original ones. However, from the perspective of content, I only recommend React Native cross-platform Mobile App Development, which is the first truly original tutorial on React Native at home and abroad (not the translation of official documents). Suitable for beginners to learn systematically, it is recommended that every RN developer buy learning.

Besides reading study method of this system, we also need through reading various articles, community and developers can absorb without some knowledge of the book, both to keep up with the latest technology trend, here are so far I feel more good articles, you can also pay attention to the corresponding developers article updates:

Based on article

React-native pain point parsing development environment construction and extension

React Native How to install a Native Android app

React Native IDE selection and configuration

My React Native Skill tree lighting project Javascript module manager NPM

My React Native skill tree lighting project EditorConfig

React Native for Android

React Native Animation research and practice

The lifecycle of components in React Native

Advanced article

Building cross-platform native applications with JS: Introduction to the ListView component

React Native for Android

React Native Touch event handler

React Native ScrollView performance


React Native Project combat summary

Performance tuning for React Native pain point resolution

React Native Bundle split attempt

React Native’s Back key

Travel cat React Native technology practice

Source Code Analysis

React Native For Android

React Native For Android framework startup core path analysis

React Native: The underlying source code

React-native Android — Javascript file loading process analysis

React-native Android — How Native communicates with Javascript

React-native Android — How Native communicates with Javascript

React-native Android — How Native communicates with Javascript

React-native Android — SoLoader loading dynamic link library

React-native Android — Communication Data Model Analysis

React Native for Android

React Native iOS Communication Mechanism

ReactNative iOS

ReacNative iOS source code (2)

React Native goes from starter to source

Welcome to follow my wechat official account ASCE1885 to focus on original or share high-quality articles in the field of Android, iOS, ReactNative and Web front-end mobile development, mainly including the latest trends in the industry, cutting-edge technology trends, open source function libraries and tools, etc.