1. Problem: Rn installing ios dependencies stuck/RN pod install is too slow

Answer: ios/Podfile, if you are configuring a custom source, such as TSHP source, because the server is down or stuck, so that the pod install is very slow, you can directly comment out the third party source, science online, terminal FQ, install ios dependency.

Note: POD installation is slow for the first time, depending on the science of the Internet.

2. Problem: Rn startup error suddenly reported, restart the computer is ok/RN project suddenly failed to start

Answer: React Native may not run properly when multiple projects are started. The second one may run incorrectly because the “exclusive startup terminal” is not closed.

3. Question: Why does rn upgrade fail to start? Why does rn upgrade fail to start components

Answer: React Native chooses a version. Lock it down, or you’ll doubt your life if you update it.