Today’s record is to use RN in the work of debugging encountered some problems (Android)

Write debug without saying too much

My development environment

// System Ubuntu 19.04
// RN version React-native 0.61
// develop tool Vscode
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1. The SDK is configured successfully, but the initial project of create is not running

// Add a new file in the Android directory
Sometimes it is not possible to find your SDK location
/ / such as:
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2. The real computer or emulator cannot connect to the local server and cannot be debugged

1.Whether the simulator is enabled/whether the real machine is connected// Enter ADB Devices on the terminal to view the connected devices
// If the device exists then look for another reason

2.Check whether the machine is configured with a debug port// The emulator directly Ctrl + M to shake the phone or ADB shell input keyevent 82 call Devtools
// Dev Settings -> Debug server host for Device Select the penultimate setting
// Enter the IP address of the development machine :8081
/ / reload again

3.If still can't debug// Check whether the mobile phone and the development machine are in the same network segment

4.You may also need to reset the debug port adb Reverse TCP:8081 tcp:8081
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The above are the problems I encountered in the debugging can be debugging can find the problem, in the way to solve the problem

How to customize packaging

./gradlew assembleRelease // This command needs to be modified before running on Linux./gradlew chmod sudo chmod +xCopy the code

The react-native packaged APK is app-release.apk/, but the actual online APK is usually named app-release.apk${ProjectName}_${VERSION}-${DATE}.apk

How do I generate/read the values of the three (project name, version, package date) variables?

How do I read the version number

1.Location of the version number// The version number is in package.json
// In js/ JSX we can directly
import packageJson form 'path/package.json'
const { version } = packageJson
// There is no way to import this file in the package script but we can find it
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The location of the package script is android/app/build.gradle

## is approximately at line 129 android{.... defaultConfig { applicationId "com.record" minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion targetSdkVersion 1 versionName rootProject. Ext targetSdkVersion versionCode appVersion / / modify the version number} here... } ### def getAppVersion() {## File packageJsonFile this needs to reference the package import in the File header groovy.json.JsonSlurper File packageJsonFile = new File('.. /package.json') ## def jsonslurper = new jsonslurper () ## def packageJson = new jsonslurper ( Jsonslurper.parsetext (packagejsonfile.text) ## return packageJson["version"]} ## define a variable to receive the return value def appVersion = getAppVersion()Copy the code

How can I Change the name of a package file

If (buildName == 'release') {if (buildName == 'release') {if (buildName == 'release') {if (buildName == 'release') createTime = new Date().format("YYYY-MM-dd", Timezone. getTimeZone("GMT+08:00")) def outputFileName = "M2600-${varie.versionName}_${createTime} Println output. GetPackageApplicationProvider () # # packaged output for the new APK name output. OutputFileName = outputFileName}Copy the code


1.Gradlew assembleRelease Is an APK named M26000.01._2020- 03- 07.apk
2.The location of the apk in android/app/build/output/apk/release /...Copy the code

Write a package script

1.Gradlew assembleRelease is too long to remember2.The new release. Sh3. sudo chmod +x ./
4.Write a package scriptCopy the code

Create a file in your Android directory

#! /bin/bash
### Android package scriptAPP_HOME="`pwd -P`" ./gradlew assembleRelease if [ $? != 0 ]; Then echo 'exit 1' else:  ## build success do somthing
  #Cp m2600-0.1_2020-03-07. APK /home/ APK /
  ## Or do something else
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