As I mainly do react development, the code editor I use is the legendary first front-end magic device vscode in the universe, so here I record and recommend some commonly used vscode plug-ins in my development process to help the development.

1. Code hint class plug-ins

1.1 Reactjs code snippets

1.2 React Redux ES6 Snippets

1.3 React-Native/React/Redux snippets for es6/es7

1.4 JavaScript (ES6) code snippets(ES6 snippet)

1.5 Typescript React code snippets(This is the TSX React component snippet)

With these snippet prompt plug-ins you can greatly increase the speed of your code.

2. Beautify class plug-ins

2.1 One Dark Pro(Atom style theme)

2.2 vscode-icons(File icon)

The aesthetically pleasing interface makes you more powerful.

3. Other utility class plug-ins

3.1 Beautify css/sass/scss/less(Style code formatting)

3.2 npm Intellisense(Hint for the name of the dependent package in package.json)

3.3 Path Intellisense(File path completion)

3.4 cssrem(Px to REM)

3.5 CSS ModulesComplete and jump to the defined location of the class name using the JSX tag of CSS Modules

If the above plugins are installed, you can use VScode to develop React happily. Here I only give some basic common plugins. If you find other useful plugins, please reply to me, I will be very grateful.

Finally, one plugin was forgotten, and vscode configurations were synchronized across devices

Settings Sync

It eliminates the need to reconfigure vscode every time you change your development environment.

Finally, I just want to say, vscode is invincible, vscode is good!

Extensions that I use for my own daily development