1. Sometimes webpack fonts will break the font format and result in browser decode failure. Some browsers think it is a warning, others think it is an error, and those who think it is wrong will not render the page directly

2. The Object assign method is not supported by all browsers, especially Android and wechat browsers, so you need to find a Polyfill by yourself

3. Promise is not supported by all browsers, especially Android and wechat browsers, so you need to find a polyfill by yourself

Flex :1 10 0; font-size: 14px; font-size: 14px; font-size: 14px

5. Use “ReactCSSTransitionGroup” to slide between pages. Use “Appear” CSS only, never “Enter” and “leave”.

6. Don’t be obsessed with engineering cleanliness. For example, don’t use jquery and redux to encapsulate everything

7. The strength of component design should not be too fine, and only the design of very general components can be used to accumulate the code base of the team, which can be used in most projects, such as Navbar, Footerbar, Infinitescroll List

8. Use less of the React UI component library. It looks good, but when you use it, you often find bugs

9. Read official documents carefully. Although some of them are only one page long, the information density is very high

10. Be sure to test the Android Browser, Chrome for Android, and wechat, not just on your iPhone

11. Well worth 29 euros for Jshybugger