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Today, we will add a build process to store common build operations so that we can easily develop and deploy our application.

The React team noticed that running a React app requires a lot of configuration (and community help is bloated – including ours). Fortunately, some smart people in the React team/community got together to build/release an official generator application that makes it easier to get started and run quickly.


The Create-React-app project released via Facebook helps us quickly get the React application up and running on our system without having to customize our parts

This package is distributed as a Node package and can be installed using NPM.

nvmnA plugin for

If the Node is not already installed on your system, the Node home page has simple documentation on how to install Node.

We recommend using NVM or N version management tools. These tools make it very easy to install/use multiple versions of nodes on your system at any time.

With Node installed on our system, we can install the create-react-app package:

`npm install --global create-react-app`

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With create-react-app installed globally, we can use the create-react-app command anywhere on the terminal.

Let’s create a new application we’ll call 30Days, using the create-react-app command we just installed. Open a terminal window in the directory where you want to create the application.

On the terminal, you can use this command to create a new React application and add a name for the application to be created.

create-react-app 30days && cd 30days

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Let’s launch our application in a browser. The create-React-app package comes with some built-in scripts created for us (in the package.json file). We can use the NPM start command _start_ to edit our application using the built-in web server:

npm start

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This command will open a window in Chrome that will run the default URL in our application: http://localhost:3000/.

Let’s edit our newly created application. Looking at the directory structure it creates, we’ll see that we have a basic node application running public/index.html and several files in the SRC/directory that make up the application we’re running.

We open the SRC/app.js file and we’ll see that we have a very basic component that should be familiar. It has a simple rendering function that returns the results we see in the Chrome window.

The index.html file has a #root

node, and the application itself will be automatically mounted (this is handled in the SRC /index.js file). Any time we want to add Webfonts, styles, tags, etc., we can load them into the index.html file.


We’ll be deploying in a few weeks, but temporarily know that the generator created a build command, so we can create a minimal, optimized version of our application that we can upload to the server.

We can build our application using the NPM run build command at the root of our project:

`npm run build`

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As a result, we now have a real-time reload single page application (SPA) to develop. Tomorrow, we will use this new application where we build to render multiple components at run time