React call sequence: index.html → index.js → components/
After a project is created, there will be two files: index.html and index.js.
HTML/SRC /index.js/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app/my-app You can only call it index, not anything else (unless you change the configuration file, read on).
Note: runnpm run eject
It can be exposedwebpack
Wait for the configuration file. Note that the operation cannot be reversed.
For details on how the NPM run eject command works, see other blog posts.
After creating the project using the scaffolding tool create-react-app,
Node_modules is the location where each plug-in is stored. 2. Public is used to place static resources that do not participate in the build; 3. SRC is the source file, generally do development in this folder, will participate in the package construction;
Here’s the thing: in package.json: There are only three dependencies: React, react-dom, and react-scripts. There are only three dependencies: React, react-dom, and react-scripts. The creat React app supports the following commands by default:
Start the project in development mode;build
Build the entire project;test
, will be the originalcreat react app
Such relevant configurations of the package ejection out, if to becreat react app
There is no place to modify the configuration file in the existing directory. At this point, you can go througheject
The command ejects the command that was originally wrapped in scaffolding, and you can see many configuration files in the project directory.
Suggestion: After the installation, first git add. Then git commit -m “init” and then NPM run eject
After using the scaffolding tool create-react-app to create and start the project, open http://localhost:3000, F12 and view the source page
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/bundle.js"></script>
Copy the code
The /static/js/bundle.js file path is not visible in the my-app project, and the configuration file webpack.config.js is not written.
HTTP server configuration, auto-open browser window, React, ES6 syntax compilation, babel-core, webpack, etc. In fact, React-Scripts does all of that.
Start the project by using the NPM run start command.
Open my – app \ package json
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start". }Copy the code
So react-scripts start is executed
Open your react-scripts.js file in the bin folder of your my-app\node_modules\react-scripts folder
const scriptIndex = args.findIndex(
x => x === 'build' || x === 'eject' || x === 'start' || x === 'test'
const script = scriptIndex === -1 ? args[0] : args[scriptIndex];
const nodeArgs = scriptIndex > 0 ? args.slice(0, scriptIndex) : [];
if (['build'.'eject'.'start'.'test'].includes(script)) {
const result = spawn.sync(
.concat(require.resolve('.. /scripts/' + script))
.concat(args.slice(scriptIndex + 1)),
{ stdio: 'inherit'});if (result.signal) {
if (result.signal === 'SIGKILL') {
'The build failed because the process exited too early. ' +
'This probably means the system ran out of memory or someone called ' +
'`kill -9` on the process.'
} else if (result.signal === 'SIGTERM') {
'The build failed because the process exited too early. ' +
'Someone might have called `kill` or `killall`, or the system could ' +
'be shutting down.'
} else{...Copy the code
In the code abovescript
The variable value of isstart
So performmy-app\node_modules\react-scripts\scripts
The start.js file code under the folder
var webpack = require('webpack');
var WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server'); // Start HTTP server
var paths = require('.. /config/paths'); // The file path to compile and the build path, etc
const configFactory = require('.. /config/webpack.config');
const createDevServerConfig = require('.. /config/webpackDevServer.config');
// This is why the port number is 3000 instead of 8080.
// restart NPM run start to take effect
var DEFAULT_PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) | |3000;
detect(DEFAULT_PORT).then(port => {
if (port === DEFAULT_PORT) {
run(port); // Start running here
return; }...function run(port) {
// You can set the HTTP protocol, or you can run it in the CMD command window before NPM run start
// set HTTPS=true&& NPM start To change the HTTPS protocol
var protocol = process.env.HTTPS === 'true' ? "https" : "http";
var host = process.env.HOST || 'localhost';
setupCompiler(host, port, protocol); // Compile the source code to generate the path
runDevServer(host, port, protocol); // Start HTTP server
// Configure the HTTP server
function runDevServer(host, port, protocol) {
var devServer = new WebpackDevServer(compiler, {
compress: true,
clientLogLevel: 'none',
contentBase: paths.appPublic, // Specify the application root directory (i.e. the directory where index.html is located) according to the imported Paths
hot: true,
publicPath: config.output.publicPath, // Specify the virtual directory according to the imported config variable.Automatically points to the path compilation directory (/assets/ => /build/js/). When referring to a JS file in HTML,// You must refer to this virtual path (but you are actually referring to an in-memory file, neither /build/js/ nor /assets/).
quiet: true,
watchOptions: {
ignored: /node_modules/
// Enable HTTPS if the HTTPS environment variable is set to 'true'
https: protocol === "https",
host: host
/** * omit other code */
// Open the browser and send the request to the server
openBrowser(protocol + ': / /' + host + ':' + port + '/');
function setupCompiler(host, port, protocol) {
// Run from the configuration file pointed to by the imported config variable
compiler = webpack(config, handleCompile);
/** * omit other code */
Copy the code
The start.js file imported webpack.config and paths.js in the my-app\node_modules\react-scripts\config folder
The paths.js code is excerpted below:
// Get the path where NPM run start is running
var appDirectory = fs.realpathSync(process.cwd());
function resolveApp(relativePath) {
return path.resolve(appDirectory, relativePath);
module.exports = {
appPath: resolveApp('. '),
ownPath: resolveApp('node_modules/react-scripts'),
appBuild: resolveApp('build'),
appPublic: resolveApp('public'),
// This is how we started our project using public/index.html as the default home page
appHtml: resolveApp('public/index.html'),
// What filename should be used in the project, including the public folder
// Include the SRC folder in the file name project of the compiled entry file
appIndexJs: resolveApp('src/index.js'),
appPackageJson: resolveApp('package.json'),
appSrc: resolveApp('src'),
yarnLockFile: resolveApp('yarn.lock'),
testsSetup: resolveApp('src/setupTests.js'),
appNodeModules: resolveApp('node_modules'),
// this is empty with npm3 but node resolution searches higher anyway:
ownNodeModules: resolveOwn('node_modules'),
nodePaths: nodePaths,
publicUrl: getPublicUrl(resolveApp('package.json')),
servedPath: getServedPath(resolveApp('package.json'))};/** * omit other code */
Copy the code
The webpack.config code is excerpted below:
var paths = require('./paths'); // Also imports paths.js in the same folder
module.exports = {
entry: [
paths.appIndexJs // compile entry file],
output: {
path: paths.appBuild,
pathinfo: true.This is what we see when we open the browser and press F12 at the beginning
filename: 'static/js/bundle.js',
publicPath: publicPath },
/** * omit other code */
Copy the code