The goal of this section is to implement reactdom.render, which only cares about adding content to the DOM and then dealing with updating and deleting content;

React /react-dom.js;

Once you have your virtual DOM data structure, the next step is to convert it into a real DOM structure and render it on the page. There are basically four steps:

  • Create different types of nodes
  • Adding properties props
  • Iterate over children, recursively calling Render
  • Append the generated node to the root node

Specific implementation steps:

1. Create the react-dom.js file

Create a DOM node and add the new node to the container

// react/react-dom.js
/** * Convert the virtual DOM to the real DOM and add it to the container *@param {element} Virtual DOM *@param {container} Real DOM * /
function render(element, container) {
  const dom = document.createElement(element.type)
Copy the code

3. Add each element. Props. Children to the DOM node

 element.props.children.forEach(child= >
    render(child, dom)
Copy the code

4. Handle text nodes

const dom =
    element.type == "TEXT_ELEMENT"
      ? document.createTextNode("")
      : document.createElement(element.type)
Copy the code

5. Bind attributes to nodes

// Bind attributes to the node
  const isProperty = key= >key ! = ="children"
    .forEach(name= > {
      dom[name] = element.props[name]
Copy the code

6, test,

JSX to DOM library: JSX to DOM

6.1 Introducing the render method into the react/index.js file

6.2 Adding the React. Render method

Add the React. Render method to the SRC /index.js file:

// src/index
import React from '.. /react';

const element = (
  <div id="foo">
    <b />

React.render(element, document.getElementById('root'))
Copy the code

6.3 Modifying the WebPack Configuration

Add the index.html file to the SRC directory and add a node with the DOM attribute id:

Modify the WebPack configuration by adding the HTML template:

6.4 run

Run the NPM run start command to start the system, and you can see that the result is displayed successfully:


Use the flow chart to briefly summarize sections 2 and 3:

8. This section code

Code address:…

9. Relevance

1. CreateElement implementation:…