2019 in Nuggets

After looking through the articles in Nuggets, I found that in the past year, I basically focused on the technology stack of Next. Js. Although it was not popular in China, I made some like-minded friends and organized a communication group. At the end of last year, when the Nuggets just released the Level system, I wrote Level3 articles for a year, and the result was still Level3😂. Forgive me for my bohemianlove of freedom in my life. I don’t care what other people want to see, but only write what I want to write. Write the article is not level 😄 do not know when to Level5 ah, after all, I also have a small volume of the plan ~ ha ha ha


First of all, I have to admit that the purpose of writing this article is to Dally heat, in case it can win the prize ~ 😄, we can not be ignorant of conscience;

Secondly, I do have the habit of summarizing. Nuggets is my favorite community, so I would like to take this platform to talk about my feelings.

Finally, and most importantly, this summary is more focused on communication and discussion, hoping that front-end COders who are sympathetic to the “disease” or OLders who have been sick for a long time can communicate with each other and give the author some inspiration.

Coders -> Like me, olders -> old-timers who have recovered from a serious illness and found their way through a bottleneck.

The cause of

Male – 26 years old – front-end salesman – 1.75 years – fresh year school recruitment not job-hopping – the company is not big or small, not in the top position in the industry and not so mediocre

The above introduction and the illustration of the article is the focus of this paper, front-end salesman and breakthrough bottleneck.

Front end salesman

The primary stage

As a junior front-end development engineer, or just entered the company, business requirements are the best means to quickly improve the business level, skills, at this stage, you will be very interested in writing code, bug fixing, every development, test, online and even roll back may be a little excited. You can learn a lot about the company’s product business, code development practices, how teams work together in parallel, and so on, in ways you wouldn’t find in individual development.

Salesman stage

Spent on stage, wait to mature business, system stability, new demand iteration is not so often, your daily activities around the product demand, BUG/JIRA, predecessors and you used to code a patchwork of three years, the development to measure on-line process walk three times a week ~ congratulations, successful development engineers evolved into front-end salesman from the front, Serving the business, stuck in business hell, working with new requirements and old bugs. So, we successfully entered the salesman stage, this process is about half a year, if it is fast, it will certainly arrive in a year.

[Note] : I am not sarcastic here, I am personally the same front-end salesman, every day to fix all kinds of bugs, to undertake all kinds of requirements. If I say I enjoy writing business code and fixing bugs every day, I may not mean it. I can’t say I hate it, I can’t say I like it, that’s my current state.


Business programming is a long process. It can be a year or two, a decade or even a lifetime. Because some people can not lose their way in the business, constantly evolving in the business to break through the bottleneck, while some people are completely lost, only numb to the development of business needs. When is the bottleneck reached? To summarize: frequent business needs and their own growth mismatch between the contradiction. When you feel that business development has not improved you at all, you can consider whether you have reached a bottleneck, where to go next, how to break the bottleneck?

I don’t have that deep experience here, after all, I’ve only been working for less than two years. However, imagine all kinds of online articles, where a programmer in his 40s makes a living and HR stops me from selecting resumes. I can’t imagine that I’m still sending resumes around looking for a job as a front-end salesman when I’m 40 years old.

Break the bottleneck?

Here want to add a question mark ❓ because I also did not break through ah ~ did not come here to look for you. But you can refer to the article with the picture, this picture is actually quite meaningful, break through the bottleneck, both need their own efforts, and need the outside world (not necessarily people) help, of course, it is possible to fix their own person.

In order to explore how to break the bottleneck? Here are some questions I have asked myself, hoping to lead to more cures

Medicine led

Breakthrough 1 — Should technology be deepened vertically or expanded horizontally?

As far as I am concerned, the React technology stack can be regarded as a closed loop of technology. In any demand scenario, the construction, development, test and launch of new system can be independently designed and completed. So next, should I dig deeper into the React stack? Or is it scaling other technology stacks horizontally? Is it one – minded and fine or skill more not pressure body? Don’t tell me to do both. I’m talking about when you can’t have your cake and eat it

  • Longitudinal deepening

Explore the underlying implementation principles and performance optimizations of the technology stack, compare technical solutions with others (Class VS Hooks, Redux VS Mobx, server-side rendering implementation principles, React-Native, etc.)

  • Horizontal scaling

Understanding and mastery of Vue, Angular, Flutter and other mainstream technology stacks in the same field.

Some bosses may have said that the two do not delay. First of all, not all of us are bosses; Second, when I say landscape, I don’t mean look at a document and write Hello World; Finally, just a personal opinion, don’t get bogged down ~

[Breakthrough 2] — Unable to improve themselves at the business level?

When the company continues to do business, has been unable to improve their own capabilities? This should be the key point where most people feel stuck. At the same time, most people’s answer should be in two words – job-hopping. However, I personally don’t think this is the only answer, at least not the best answer in my opinion, it’s a little bit… How can I put it? Although the Internet is not ethical, and job-hopping is as common as three meals a day, not everyone feels the same way. When your technology is weak, the company will help you improve your business strength, and when your technology takes shape, you will think that the company’s business will hinder your growth. This should not be a Good Coder answer.

In my opinion, when the business fails to improve itself, we may have to put ourselves in the other’s shoes. Is it the business itself or our own problems? For example, the business has been done before, no challenge? Duplicate code? Is it possible to consider encapsulation, componentization, de-duplication, optimization of business logic, etc., and for example, the constant performance optimization, code implementation, is there a better or optimal solution?

[Breakthrough 3] — Is front-end full stack a trend?

At the beginning of this year, there are all kinds of new concepts, and it is true that they are difficult to learn, but the most complicated one is not difficult to learn, but ambiguous. For example, until now I do not know what is the specific definition of Serverless, medium, the article is obscure, of course, may also be my dish, dish is original sin 😄. However, this year gives me the feeling is that the front-end claw god is getting longer and longer, basically all business scenarios, given time, the front-end can be done by itself, so I think the front-end full stack should be a trend, really can not only do the page level separation level of the front-end.

Although the concept of full stack came out a long time ago, most of the current corporate architecture should still be separated from the front and back end of each function, and really achieve full stack front-end, big front-end unified world should be very rare.

[Breakthrough 4 (Personal Orientation)] — What qualities should architects have?

This is a personal question, what is the definition of a front-end architect position? There is no training for architects, is there? If a front-end programmer wants to become a front-end architect, what path should he take? Vibration ask 😄


Above me with questions and your own thinking, hope that interested in coders | olders can communicate with communication, save a life – made seven pagoda, a great man can save another cross ~ 😄

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