End pen, · 2014/11/10 15:14

0x00 What is SDR?

“Software Defined Radio — SDR”. In fact, the research and development of software radio technology has a history of several decades, originally from the US army’s multi-standard radio project. At present, software radio technology has been widely used in our daily mobile communication system. For example, programmable FPGA and DSP are used for signal processing in the base station. Such as mobile phone baseband processor is also more and more use of soft demodulation method (a few computation particularly large except particularly high real-time demand modules, such as turbo decoder, spread spectrum correlator, and so on, these modules are often embedded in the baseband processor some highly customized “hard” to implement) first to select a support RTL – TV rods of the SDR. Is the use of RTL2832u(frequency range 64- 1700MH) demodulation chip. The price is undoubtedly the cheapest radio (SDR) hardware. Ordinary TV sticks can’t send raw signals to computers, of course, but a TV stick using the RTL2832 chip has been hacked and can send raw signals to computers, which can then analyze and demodulate any signal rather than just the TV signal.

0x01 What happens to raspberry PI +SDR?

Install the required dependencies first:

#! Bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential python-pip libusb-1.0-0-dev python-numpy git # Download the RTL - the SDR CD ~ git clone git://git.osmocom.org/rtl-sdr.git CD RTL - the SDR mkdir build CD build cmake.. / -DINSTALL\_UDEV\_RULES=ON -DDETACH\_KERNEL\_DRIVER=ON make sudo make install sudo ldconfig sudo pip install pyrtlsdr # At this point the relevant drivers are installed. Start using FreqShow! cd ~ git clone https://github.com/adafruit/FreqShow.git cd FreqShowCopy the code

Then modify the configuration of freqshow.py as appropriate. Since the screen of PI is different, I suggest annotating the following.

#! python # Initialize pygame and SDL to use the PiTFT display and chscreen. #os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', 'fbcon') #os.putenv('SDL_FBDEV' , '/dev/fb1') #os.putenv('SDL_MOUSEDRV' , 'TSLIB') #os.putenv('SDL_MOUSEDEV' , '/dev/input/touchscreen') pygame.mouse.set_visible(True)Copy the code

sudo python freqshow.py

That’s when you have a raspberry PI wireless scanner.

0x02 Signal from aircraft is captured.

It was easy to catch the aircraft because the CAAC New Navigation System (CNS) 1090Mhz uses a lot of ancient wireless standards in the system. Because aviation giants have established a set of airworthiness rules, it is difficult to make even a small change to a plane widely applicable, let alone to upgrade CNS systems. Ads-b is a broadcast automatic correlation surveillance system, an air traffic surveillance system that uses global navigation satellite systems, aircraft avionics and ground infrastructure. Accurate and rapid automatic transmission of flight information between aircraft and atC ground station (air-to-ground, aircraft to ATS) or air-to-air (air-to-air, aircraft to aircraft); This includes aircraft identification, position, altitude, speed and other data or information. To put it simply, ADS-B is a packet sent directly by the aircraft, so that the ground or other aircraft can know its position, altitude, speed and other information. Ads-b uses 112 unencrypted pulse words to transmit signals at 978Mhz and 1090Mhz. Dump1090 will then capture the signal information to generate a map

#! Bash CD ~ git clone git://github.com/MalcolmRobb/dump1090.git CD dump1090 make. / dump1090 - interactive - netCopy the code

Then access port 8080 of PI.

More detailed operation can look at the following link https://github.com/antirez/dump1090/

0x03 Build an airplane?

GNURadio is generating a signal using ADS-B. Can define arbitrary longitude and latitude information. (say here should many people understand) because there is no condition so there is no opportunity to practice.. Just provide an idea! Do not use 1090Mhz in practice. You should find a legal or safe frequency (such as some enemy satellites’ biological frequency), transmit at the lowest possible power, use a closed-circuit RF cable and attenuator, preferably in a basement or darkroom. At your own risk !!!!

0x04 SDR Listens to FM

The first question the 13-year-old black guy asked me when he got hackRF was how to listen to FM. I’m drunk, too. Okay, let’s talk about how to use raspberry PI + TV stick to listen to FM.

Rtl_tcp-a 192.168.x. x (IP address of raspberry PI)

Then computer client download http://sdrsharp.com/downloads/sdr-install.zip decompression after running the bat green installed automatically generated directory sdrsharp run directly sdrsharp. Exe. Select RTL-SDR/TCP and click Settings to enter raspberry PI’s IP. For port 1234, select RTL AGC Tuner AGC Radio, select WFM and click Start. Adjust the VFO frequency to hear local FM

The following links are about listening to something special. Such as network frequency and.. The frequency used (a little sensitive. So only links)



Part of the article was copied from Daniel’s article. In addition, because the TV stick does not have the conditions to transmit.. So I want to. hijack a wireless mic. Fake X signals. And what others call decrypting cars.. Replay attacks, etc. I will talk after HACKRF.

Finally, I hope this article can open a door for you. Where it leads is up to you..

And advice you look at a guest. Comply with local radio and aviation safety regulations or face the consequences !!!!!!

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