1 Deployment Description

1.1 Environment Preparations

The IP address The host name The operating system use Software version mq01 Centos 7.8 Disk node The rabbitmq server – 3.8.3 and Erlang – 22.3.4, socat – mq02 Centos 7.8 The memory node

1.2 Configuring the Host and hosts files

  1. Change the host names of the two MQ nodes mq01, mq02.

[root@mq01 ~]# vim /etc/hostname

Mq01 // The other one changed to MQ02

  1. Then modify the hosts configuration file.

[root@mq01 ~]# vim /etc/hosts mq01 mq02 MQ01 // The other one is MQ02

::1 MQ01 // The other one is ::1 MQ02

1.3 Installing Basic Components

1.3.1 Installing Rabbitmq-Server and Erlang

  1. Downloading software Packages

Packagecloud. IO/rabbitmq/er…




Once downloaded, upload to the current folder

  1. Install Erlang

Yum localinstall Erlang 22.3.4-1. El7. X86_64. RPM

  1. Install Socat dependencies

The tar ZXVF socat – Tar. Gz

CD socat –


make && make install

  1. Install the Rabbitmq server. –

rpm –import rabbitmq-release-signing-key.asc

Yum localinstall the rabbitmq server – 3.8.3-1. El7. Noarch. RPM

1.3.2 Service Management

  1. Start the service

systemctl start rabbitmq-server

  1. Copy the erlang.cookie of MQ01 to another host

/ root @ mq01 ~ # SCP/var/lib/rabbitmq /. Erlang. The cookie [email protected]: / var/lib/rabbitmq /. Erlang. Cookies

/ root @ mq01 ~ # SCP/root /. Erlang. The cookie [email protected]: / root /. Erlang. Cookies

[root@mq02 ~]# systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

  1. Add WEB management services

/usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

service rabbitmq-server start

1.4 Joining a Cluster

  1. Mq02 pauses RabbitMQ first

​ [root@mq02 ~]# rabbitmqctl stop_app

  1. Add MQ02 to the cluster

[root@mq02 ~]# rabbitmqctl reset

[root@mq02 ~]# rabbitmqctl join_cluster –ram rabbit@mq01

Clustering node rabbit@mq02 with rabbit@mq01

[root@mq02 ~]# rabbitmqctl start_app

  1. Viewing Cluster Status

rabbitmqctl cluster_status

1.5 Logging In to the WEB Console

1.5.1 Modifying the Login Configuration File

Vim/usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/rabbitmq_server – 3.8.3 ebin/rabbit. The app

Change {loopback_users, [<< “guest” >>]} in Rabbit. app to {loopback_users, []}

systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

1.5.2 login

Open the browser and enter http://nodeip:15672. Enter the default Username: guest and the default Password: guest.

2 Rabbimq Mirroring cluster deployment description

2.1 Creating a RabbitMQ Policy

Create policies on the console of the MQ01 node

(1) Click the Admin menu – > Policies on the right – > Add/ Update a policy at the bottom of the left.

Definition set the ha-mode to all, and set the cluster to mirror mode

(3) Click Add Policy.

Name: indicates the Name of the policy

Pattern: Matching Pattern of exchanges or queue names (regular expression)

Definition: Mirror Definition, which includes three parts: ha-mode, ha-params, and ha-sync-mode

Ha-mode: specifies the mode of the mirror queue. The valid value is “all”, “exactly”, and “Nodes”

All: mirrors all nodes in the cluster.

Priority: Specifies the Priority of the policy

2.2 Creating a Queue

Add queues on the console of the MQ01 node

Click On the Queues menu – > Add a new Queue below the left side.

(2) Enter parameters and click Add Queue.