Original link:tecdat.cn/?p=19980


Feedforward neural networks with a single hidden layer and lagged input can be used to predict univariate time series. The neural network model is fitted to the time series with the lag value as the input. Therefore, it is a nonlinear model, and it is impossible to get a prediction interval.

So we use simulation.

Read data for visualization:

## # A tibble: 6 x 2 ## Date Actual ## <dttm> <dbl> ## 1 2016-01-11 26 ## 2 2016-01-18 27 ## 3 2016-01-25 28 ## 4 2016-02-01 22 ## 5 2016-02-08 27 ## 6 2016-02-1531Copy the code


Dat %>%ggplot(AES (Date,Actual))+ LABS (title = "Durability vehicle forecast ", x =" time ", y = "durability vehicle number ", subtitle =" 2016/2017 data ") +Copy the code


Dat %>%dplyr::rename(Date=Week)%>%na.omit() dat_ts = ts(dat[" actual number "])Copy the code


Nn (data, lambda = 0.5)Copy the code
Average of 20 networks, Each of which is a 1-1-1 network with 4 weights options were-Linear output units sigma^2 estimated as 0.2705Copy the code

I used the Box-Cox transform, where λ=0.5,

Make sure the residual homovariance.

The model can be written as:

Where YT-1 = (YT-1, YT-2,… and YT-8) is the vector containing the lag value of the sequence, f is a neural network with four hidden nodes in a single layer.

By randomly generating ϵt values from normal distributions or resamping from historical values, we can iteratively simulate the future sample paths of the model.

Therefore, if {ϵ ∗ T + 1} is randomly extracted from the error distribution at time T + 1, then

It is a probability derived from the prediction distribution of yT + 1. Set up the

Y * T + 1 = (y * T + 1, yT… yT-6) and then we can repeat the process to get it

We can iteratively model future sample paths. By repeatedly simulating the sample path, we establish the distribution of all future values based on the fitted neural network. This is a simulation of nine possible future sampling paths for the data. Each sample path covers the next 20 years after the observations.

plot(dat_ts) + autolayer(sim)
Copy the code

If you do this hundreds or thousands of times, you get a good idea of the prediction distribution. Forecast interval:


Copy the code

The number of simulations is 1000. By default, the error comes from the normal distribution.



Most welcome insight

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