The business line has been very busy these days, and it has just calmed down, so there is little time for in-depth research on some new things. If you want to think about it, you can use a Web framework Gatsby. Recently, you can check Dan’s personal blog, which is also built with Gatsby.…

Basic introduction

In recent years, Gatsby has been quite popular, especially in foreign countries, with a star count of 44.5K. Thanks to its many excellent features in generating static websites, it has gained great popularity.

Advantages as a Web framework:

  1. There is almost perfect support for Markdown files
  2. The speed is very fast, reflected in the loading/refreshing aspects, using almost all the optimization means of static station
  3. Theme many
  4. Plenty of room for manoeuvre
  5. Good SEO support

We chose it because we wanted to build a blog of our own, while Gatsby as a framework has high flexibility: it can be very simple, with MD analysis and a theme. It is based on react/graphQL/webpack and other familiar technology stacks and development modes. It can also add TS support /SSR support, which can be used for continuous practice

The final goal to achieve: after the completion of development, you only need to put your new MD documents into the corresponding folder and submit to Github to update the blog site!

Initial Environment Configuration

Step 1, the next global CLI

npm install -g gatsby-cli

You can use this command to see if the global package installed by NPM exists in Gatsby – CLI

npm list --depth=0 -global

Take a look at the available command gatsby –help

Pull the project directly with the official configuration

Gatsby new [project]

CD [Project Name]

gatsby develop

At this point, the project is pulled down and a static site is started

In this case, you can open http://localhost:8000 in the browser window to view the interface

Also open http://localhost:8000/___graphql an enhanced version of graphiQL (to help you check the type of graphQL) as shown below ⤵️

Directory Structure description

| - / public / / packaging of epigenetic output static website file | - / content / / can also be other name, General in the place of the file such as the MD | - / SRC | - / pages / / page file (the file will be here as a routing) | - / templates / / template file | - / static | - / types/store/ts | - type definition Gatsby - config. Js / / is the most important documents, which need to do a lot of configuration | -- gatsby - node. Js / / | -- gatsby - SSR. A special file, js / / SSR can not establish | - gatsby - the js / / Browser API related calls, can not be createdCopy the code

In the Pages folder, there is a routing convention. All files are parsed into routes according to the relative path and file name when packaged by the framework. Another way to create routes is to use the API createPages in the Gatsby – Node file, which will be discussed later

Ts support (skip this paragraph)

To add TS support, type yarn add typescript gatsby-plugin-ts and configure tsconfig.json in the root directory as follows: ⤵️

This way, every query you make in graphiQl will generate its TS type intelligently

Adding an MD document

Next we can add the MD document

I’m in the habit of creating a new blog folder in the Content folder and putting all MD documents in the following format

-- path: "/blog/firstblog" date: "2020-07-02" title: "firstblog" tags: [" trivia "] -- my firstblog my firstblog...Copy the code

In general, I will write the above attributes, especially path, which will be manually used as a real route later (if you don’t like to manually declare the path, you can also add node mapping path).

PS: Writing MD documents must be standardized, each line in the code block should be preceded by 4 indentation

The plug-in configuration

Plugins are configured in plugins in the gatsby-config.js file in the top-level directory

Install the Gatsby -source-filesystem // to retrieve the Md and YML/YMAL files in the project. Note that the path should be configured to contain the location of the Md file

// Parse the extracted MD class files into json and other data sources

The above two are required plug-ins for MD processing ⤴️

(Optional, as far as possible) Install the Gatsby plugin-catch-links // so that the browser does not refresh the entire page while navigating the local page, just like SPA

(Optional, try to install) Installation of Gatsby -remark-images // Processing MD and other referenced images, may need support of Gatsby – plugin-Sharp

See ⤵️ for the gatsby-config.js file

module.exports = {
  plugins: [{resolve: `gatsby-plugin-ts`.options: {
        tsLoader: {
          logLevel: 'warn',},forkTsCheckerPlugin: {
          eslint: true,},fileName: `types/graphql-types.ts`.codegen: true.codegenDelay: 250,}},'gatsby-plugin-catch-links',
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`.options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/content/blog`.// This address must refer to the address of the MD file in order to be recognized by the GraphQL service
        name: `blog`,}}, {resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`.options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/content/assets`.name: `assets`,}},'gatsby-plugin-sharp'.// A library for deep compression and image cutting (no need to set gatsby-remark-images)
      resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-remark'.options: {
        plugins: [{resolve: `gatsby-remark-images`.options: {
              maxWidth: 590.linkImagesToOriginal: false,}},`gatsby-remark-prismjs`.// This will be covered later]}},],}Copy the code

Parsing an MD file

Add a template file for MD: We’ll create a new blog. TSX file in the templates folder under SRC

export interface ITemplate {
  data: { markdownRemark: MarkdownRemark};

import React from "react";
import { graphql } from "gatsby";
import "./blog.css";
import { MarkdownRemark } from ".. /.. /types/graphql-types";
export default function Template({
  data, // this prop will be injected by the GraphQL query below.
}: ITemplate) {
  const { markdownRemark } = data // data.markdownRemark holds your post data
  const { frontmatter, html } = markdownRemark
  return (
    <div className="blog-post-container" style={{ margin: `3rem auto`, maxWidth: 650.padding: `0 1rem`}} >
      <div className="blog-post" >
        <h1>{frontmatter && frontmatter.title}</h1>
        <h2>{frontmatter &&}</h2>
          dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html| | "}} / ">
    </div>)}Copy the code

Also use createPages plus page parsing in the Gatsby – Node file

exports.createPages = async ({ actions, graphql, reporter }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions;
  const blogPostTemplate = require.resolve(`./src/templates/blog.tsx`);
  const result = await graphql(` { allMarkdownRemark { edges { node { frontmatter { path } } } } } `)

  // Handle errors
  if (result.errors) {
    reporter.panicOnBuild(`Error while running GraphQL query.`)
  }{ node }) = > {
      path: node.frontmatter.path, // This is the path property of the three-line wrap in the MD document
      component: blogPostTemplate,
      context: {
        // additional data can be passed via context}})})}Copy the code

Add page-level requests

The template file above has been configured quite well, but there is still one thing missing, his data source!

At the beginning of http://localhost:8000/___graphql we can select pageQuery at the page level, as shown in the sample code, the blog. TSX template file is page level, and we can then export a Query as the data source.

In addition to exporting the page-level component by default, the same template file (blog.tsx) also exports a constant query, set to the template with the graphQL tag and queried between two back quotes:

MarkdownRemark is a query for the field of a single MD file, passing in the path variable and using eq: $path to determine which file it is

export const query = graphql` query($path: String!) { markdownRemark(frontmatter: { path: { eq: $path } }) { html frontmatter { date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY") path title } } } `
Copy the code

PS: The constant could have been called a different name than Query, because Gatsby would have graphQL look for exported GraphQL strings from files, not specific variables, but note that there can only be one query per file.

MD code block highlighted

Code block highlight we can configure PrismJS… The above is more detailed. In a nutshell, configure gatsby-remark-prismjs under the gatsby- Transformer -remark plug-in, and finally introduce CSS under the gatsby- Browser.js file


PS: Prism itself provides a variety of code highlighting themes that can be implemented in different CSS

Md other style custom words we can write a CSS file to configure, we look at its properties in the node classname corresponding to write CSS, do not elaborate

List page

At this point, there are MD files displayed in each path. You can write some custom CSS for the classname of each node to make it look better. What is missing is the home page

We usually set up the front page as a list of blogs, with titles and abstracts for each blog

Create a new index.tsx file in the Pages folder

interface IBlogIndexProps {
    data: { allMarkdownRemark: MarkdownRemarkConnection};
    // location: Location;

import React from "react"
import { graphql, Link } from "gatsby"
import { MarkdownRemark, MarkdownRemarkConnection } from ".. /.. /types/graphql-types"

const BlogIndex: React.FC<IBlogIndexProps> = ({ data }) = > {
    return (
                <h1> Let's Do Some Amazing Things </h1>
                <h4>{data.allMarkdownRemark.totalCount} Posts</h4>

                {{ node }: { node: MarkdownRemark}) => (
                    <div key={}>
                        <h3 style={{marginBottom: 5}} >
                            <Link to={node.frontmatter && node.frontmatter.path| | '} >{node.frontmatter && node.frontmatter.title}{" "}</Link>
                            <span style={{color: "#bbb}} ">- {node. The frontmatter && node. The frontmatter. Date}</span>
            </div>)}export const query = graphql` query { allMarkdownRemark(sort: { order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date] }) { totalCount edges { node { id frontmatter { title date(formatString: "DD MMMM, YYYY") path } excerpt } } } } `

export default BlogIndex
Copy the code

Subject to use

Theme can be used in two ways, one is directly pull github other people’s theme as a project (in fact, is directly white whoring other people’s template), the other is introduced as a plug-in, can configure it to take effect directory scope, such as a website has several modules, a route under the theme affected, the same can configure multiple themes.

(The theme module originally wrote a lot, think or delete, all in their own exploration)

The deployment of online

The Gatsby cloud can directly connect to its Own Github to make a sustainable CICD…

The website can identify its own private library by logging in with its own Github. The next fool-trick is to designate its own Gatsby repository and build it automatically.

Yarn. lock file (do not submit yarn.lock file for the project you are playing around with. Some packages loaded on the Intranet were recorded by yarn.lock, but the address was not found during deployment.)

Once set up, preview will have a fixed online address, which will be updated automatically a few minutes later when you submit the code on Github

This is the online address of the project /


So far, a simple blog site has become, later to write a blog directly into the MD file folder submitted to Github.

But There are many more features and advanced apis worth knowing about gatsby. Here are a few

The high-level createResolvers and onCreateNode apis in the Gatsby -node.js file can be seen here

The Mapping node types(Mapping nodes) in the gatsby-config.js file are also interesting, so you can try to understand them

The onCreateWebpackConfig API in the Gatsby -node.js file can schedule the WebPack packing process

There are a lot of tedious site construction work, such as adding 404 pages, SEO, global layout and so on are also relatively simple, here is not a spread out

The follow-up plan

There are some interesting features planned for initial expansion, such as various queries, online editing and adding, and open comments

During this period of time, I took some spare time to explore this framework, which is quite interesting

Some information

The official website of Gatsby is

Assigned to

Recommend a theme…

If there are any shortcomings, please point them out in the comments section