GitHub is more than just a version control service. It’s also an amazing source of content, from free ebooks and tutorials to interview prep materials and “awesome” articles.

If you are a frequent GitHub developer, you will definitely benefit from this.

I’ve compiled a list of some of the most valuable warehouses, and I bet you’ve never seen most of them.

1. Awesome[1]

GitHub stars: 164k+

Awesome is arguably the most popular REPO, curating everything from software development to hardware to business.

So far, it has more than 164,000 stars on Github, and people can spend days (and nights) browsing it. If you want to learn something new, it can be your one-stop shop.

2. Free Programming Books[2]

GitHub stars: 194k+

Despite its name, the Free Programming Books repository offers much more than that.

It includes free online courses, interactive programming materials, problem sets, podcasts, and programming sections, and is available in a variety of languages.

However, most of them are programming books. And this is an amazing collection.

3. Build Your Own X[3]

GitHub stars: 110k+

This incredible resource contains a collection of courses to improve your personal skills.

Here are examples of how to create a command line tool, an operating system, a search engine, a 3D renderer, and plenty of other things.

Have you ever considered developing your own cryptocurrency, database, bot, programming language?

So this is the repository for you.

4. Awesome interview questions[4]

GitHub stars: 41k+

A curated list of awesome interview questions, this resource has over 40K stars and contains a ton of interview questions for just about every programming language and framework you can think of.

This is very useful if you are preparing for an interview!

5. Javascript algorithms[5]

GitHub stars: 111k+

This repository contains many javascript-based examples of popular algorithms and data structures.

Each algorithm and data structure has a separate README with related explanations and links to further reading (including links to YouTube videos).

6. Public Apis[6]

GitHub stars: 132k+

If you are a developer, then you must deal with apis for your application.

This repository makes developers’ tasks easier by providing a list of frequently updated collections of public apis. These apis are free and grouped into different categories to make them easy to explore.

This list covers a wide range of things, from fun and entertaining to great help at work.

7. The art of command line[7]

GitHub stars: 92k+

The command line is often overlooked by developers, but it can help you become more productive and flexible as an engineer.

This repository contains useful instructions and tips for using the command line while working on Linux, Windows, or macOS.

The repository also contains time-saving tips for using the command line, useful for inexperienced and experienced users alike.

8. Project Based Learning[8]

GitHub stars: 51k+

A list of programming tutorials in which learners can build an application from scratch.

These tutorials are divided into different programming languages, and some are a mix of technologies and languages.

If you believe in the concept of “learning by doing”, this resource library is for you.

9. Beautiful Docs[9]

Making stars: 6.4 k +

As we all know, documentation is an important asset of any software project. It’s one thing to write code that comes with documentation, but it’s quite another to present it in a meaningful way.

The author has collected online resources that are “beautiful” in terms of structure, design, usability, style, diagrams, etc. – so anyone looking for inspiration to design their own document will find it a great resource.

10. Developer roadmap[10]

GitHub stars: 163k+

Kamran Ahmed has created a great roadmap guide for developers.

Many students and new programmers are confused about what technology they should learn and what path they should take to become a developer.

He prepared a complete chart of the technologies in development for each category (front-end, back-end, DevOps……) “Gives you a clear idea of what you should learn next. Such as

If you like the way he guides you as a developer, bookmark this resource.

The repository is updated every year to reflect changes in the ecosystem.

11. 30 seconds of code[11]

GitHub stars: 77k+

This repository contains short snippets of JavaScript code for all your development needs.

30 Seconds of Code was created in 2017 as a free, high-quality learning resource for web developers of all skill levels, in the form of snippets of various programming languages.

Today, 30 Seconds of Code consists of a large community of contributors and a subset of maintenance staff dedicated to creating the best learning resources for software developers.

Dry recommended

In order to facilitate everyone, I spent half a month’s time to get over the years to collect all kinds of iso technical finishing together, content including but not limited to, Python, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, recommendation system, Linux, engineering, Java, content of up to 5 t +, I put all the resources download link to a document, The directory is as follows:

All dry goods to everyone, hope to be able to support it! https:// (code: 0000)