Qtum ArchLinux AUR Toolkit is available today! 🚀

So far, the Qtum quantum chain development team has been adhering to the basic principle of open source code, actively striving for multi-party cooperation to promote the long-term development of Qtum quantum chain core code, and technical help for the large-scale implementation of applications. Therefore, the Qtum quantum Chain core development team is committed to the diverse compatibility of Qtum technology, ensuring that it supports Qtum with multiple Linux versions and is easy for users to install.

Arch Linux uses Pacman as a package manager, which provides a simple package manager as well as an easy-to-use package building system, enabling users to easily manage and customize a variety of official, user-made, and even third-party packages.

Qtum Quantum Chain has announced the release of the AUR (Arch User Software Repository) toolkit based on the Arch system, which enables users to install Qtum completely and efficiently using known tools.

AUR(Arch User Repository) is also a software Repository, but it is user-led and unofficial. Packages in AUR are provided in the form of package generation scripts (PKGBUILD), which are generated by the User through makePkg and installed by Pacman. AUR was created to make it easy for users to maintain and share new software packages, and for officials to periodically select high-quality packages to enter the community repository.

Qtum’s AUR package will support compiling Qtum on Arch Linux systems and generating menu items available on all computers. This version can be built on Arch or any Arch Linux-based version.

The Qtum quantum chain development team recommended the use of source code packages, which make it easy for developers to build in a trusted environment, and took advantage of some of the optimizations Arch Linux added through the makepkg.conf configuration file. In addition, binary stripping and linker optimization should provide better performance.

Arch Linux (https://www.archlinux.org/) in the Linux ecosystem sui generis, unlike Ubuntu is based on Debian, and based on Centos Redhat. Arch is a rolling release, meaning that sources and tools are used through frequent updates. The Arch system will be updated as newer stable versions of each package become available. Arch also has several versions based on it, the most popular of which is Manjaro (https://manjaro.org/)

AUR is a community-driven repository for Arch users. This particular repository is maintained by the Qtum Quantum Chain Foundation.