We are excited to announce the release of Qt Creator 5.0!

As announced in the 4.15 release blog post, we’re switching to a semantic version control scheme, so this is the first major version update for Qt Creator in a long time! Don’t expect a complete rewrite of the IDE though — we’re still following the incremental development style, and the next feature version of Qt Creator will be 6.0 later this year.

Experimental features Qt Creator 5.0 comes with experimental support for Clangd as the back end of the C/C++ code model. This feature is optional and disabled by default. It replaces the libclang-based code model and builds on our support for the language server protocol. As mentioned earlier, this is still experimental. Completion has not yet worked and is still provided through libclang. Other features are available only in the Clangd development version from the “main” branch. If you want to try it, enable “use Clangd” in tools > options > C++ > Clangd (or Qt Creator > Preferences > C++ > Clangd on macOS), And provide it with the latest Clangd executable.

Another experimental feature shipped with 5.0 is some support for building and running applications in Docker containers. This is very experimental and currently only works on Linux hosts using CMake as a project build system. After enabling the experimental plug-in in Help > About Plugins (or Qt Creator > About Plugins on macOS), you can create a Docker Device in the Device Settings, And set it to “Build Device” and “Device” in Kit.

The C++ code model received various fixes. When you rename symbols, by default we no longer select files that are not directly related to your project, such as Qt headers, even if they contain symbols. Changes to the “. UI “and”. SCXML “files are now immediately reflected in the code model without recompilation.

We updated the QML code model to Qt 6.2 and fixed various issues with the new QML functionality.

If your language server supports progress notifications, we now show them in Qt Creator as well. We also added support for snippets of code provided by the server.

In general, we work to reduce the freeze that can occur after loading large projects in Qt Creator. That should be better now.

We have updated Qbs to the latest 1.20 and reduced the impact of Qbs project management on startup when you have many packages.

We added support for the MSVC ARM toolchain and improved the experience when running the Intel version of Qt Creator on M1 Mac. Android 12 can now be handled correctly in Qt Creator.