“QiShare” is a mobile platform (including but not limited to Android, iOS, Flutter, RN) for technology sharing. It is run by the Mobile team of Flutter Dance Group. Every Tuesday and Thursday, we will publish an original technical article.

QiShare has gained a lot of fans over the past three years, which is what drives QiShare to continue to improve. QiShare is about to celebrate its third birthday. In order to thank and give back to the students who have been caring and supporting QiShare, we are now launching an online raffle to celebrate QiShare’s third anniversary. Come and participate in the activity, there are exquisite prizes waiting for you to take ~

The prize set

First prize: Smart camera

Second prize 5: QiShare 3rd Anniversary T-shirt

Third prize 20:7.23 yuan cash red envelope

The activity time

From now until 12:00 noon on July 23, 2021

The lottery time

The drawing will be broadcast live online at 7:23 PM on July 23, 2021

Live Draw address:

Mobile phones and code

Or open the following link with your browser

PC. Muyin. 360. Cn/liveDetail….

Participate in the way

Step 1: Forward this tweet to wechat Moments

Step 2: Follow QiShare Gold, Brief or wechat official account (the more you follow, the higher the probability of winning)

QiShare public no.

QiShare nuggets

QiShare Jane books

Step 3: Submit screenshot of friends circle and follow screenshot to us via the link below

In the process of participating in the activity, you can add small wechat consultation ~