Cause: the test boy came to find the knife, said apK upgrade 64-bit architecture after shooting video selection player crash, a debug, error as follows

A read newspaper wrong, bull market ah, red than the stock market… However, it took a lot of time to adjust the error, and SDK technical support has not found a solution for the time being, so we will continue to troubleshoot by ourselves

Thinking of the February

  • The officialPldroid - player - 2.2.0. Jar,libQPlayer.soIf add
  • Confuse fileproguard-rules.proAdd the following code
-keep class com.pili.pldroid.player.** { *; } -keep class com.qiniu.qplayer.mediaEngine.MediaPlayer{*; }Copy the code
  • Align the player jars with the so library, such as 2.2.0 or 2.2.1 (currently 2.2.1 on Github).

The solution

After the above three-point screening, found the problem in the player jar versions and so on library version didn’t correspond, the local application pldroid – player – 2.2.0. Jar and version 2.2.1 libQPlayer. So, Jar and libqplayer. so should not download the file directly from github. Please go to the corresponding tag to find the file.

Fixed video selection function now works properly instead of black screen result after selecting next step