The official PyTorch Chinese tutorial is here.

PyTorch is one of the most popular deep learning frameworks in recent times, but the official Chinese language tutorial has been slow to arrive. A full PyTorch Chinese official tutorial has been released to help readers learn more about The details of PyTorch. The author is from

A PDF version of the Official PyTorch Chinese tutorial has been packed for readers to view locally.

Book description

This book will introduce you to the basics of using PyTorch to build deep learning projects. Several industry insiders say the book is easy to read and quick to use. The book consists of five chapters, totaling 141 pages, and is short and concise. PyTorch library has both theoretical introduction and practical project exercise. Another piece of official conscience from PyTorch.

According to the authors, the book aims to provide an entry point for software engineers, data scientists, and motivated students who are proficient in Python and willing to use PyTorch to build deep learning projects. To this end, the book adopted hands-on teaching methods. The author strongly encourages you to be ready to use a computer while studying this book, so that you can experience the cases yourself and continue to explore further. The ultimate goal of the book is not just to serve as a technical tool, but rather to provide theoretical insights into the field of deep learning that will serve as a foundation for software projects in the decades to come.

Books to download

What’s in the tutorial

The tutorial is fully restored from the official PyTorch version directory. It includes simple environment building, quick start related API, advanced operation, image processing actual combat, text processing actual combat, GAN and reinforcement learning, etc., basically covering all current knowledge points related to deep learning.

As part of the tutorial, change the size or shape of the tensor using Torch. View

Design a chatbot using the tutorial. These are some of the conversations.

Tutorial directory

  • Introduction and download of PyTorch

    • PyTorch profile

PyTorch environment setup

  • PyTorch’s 60min Tutorial

    • Introduction to PyTorch

    • PyTorch differentiates automatically

    • PyTorch neural network

    • PyTorch image classifier

    • PyTorch data parallel processing

  • Introduction to PyTorch intensive tutorial

    • Data loading and processing

    • PyTorch tried his hand at it

    • The migration study

    • Hybrid front-end SEQ2SEQ model deployment

      • Mix the front-end

      • Prepare the environment

    • Save and load the model

  • Images of PyTorch

    • Fine tuning of target detection model based on TorchVision 0.3

    • Fine tuning of TorchVision model

    • Spatial converter network

    • PyTorch is used for Neural Transfer

    • Build against Example

    • Transfer the model to Caffe2 and mobile using ONNX

  • PyTorch’s text

    • Chatbot Tutorial

    • Generate names using character-level RNN

    • Use character-level RNN for name classification

    • Pytorch is used in deep learning and NLP

    • Translate using the Sequence2Sequence network and attention

  • PyTorch generation adversarial network

    • Generative adversarial network

  • PyTorch reinforcement learning

    • Reinforcement learning

A PDF version has been packed for local viewing.

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