With Python’s popularity in recent years, there have been numerous public accounts, blogs and articles written in this direction.

Influenced by this trend, I also “trained” myself to be a tech blogger. In the past two years, I have been writing a series of articles (shimo.im/docs/6ggy3r…). .

Recently, we saw that short video is hot, we saw the development data of some short video platforms, and we saw the acceleration of 5G construction in China. This new trend gradually infected me, and I also wanted to make a try in the direction of video.

The main idea is to create a “Why Python” series, which focuses on the syntax, design, and development of Python, with “why” questions as the starting point to try to show the charm of Python.

“100, 000” in the headline is an exaggeration; it may end up in the hundreds. I am confident in my problem awareness and endurance, so no matter how much it is, I will guarantee its quality and develop it all the time.

I will prepare and make short videos carefully, and also organize and publish the documents. Video time will be controlled in 3 minutes, the platform on which the main tentative in station B (space.bilibili.com/97566624).

I’ve already published two installments: why len is used and why indentation is used, and I’ve already had a lot of ideas for topics to follow.

One direction is the 27 “why” questions listed on the Python website:

I’m going to explain all of this slowly, in my own way. At the same time, I also thought of the following topics:

  • Why not use a semicolon? At the end?
  • Why not support “copy” strings?
  • Why is there no “else if”?
  • Why not support ternary operators?
  • Why not support the “I ++” increment syntax?
  • Why is there no tuple generator?
  • Why is there a GIL?
  • Why is range() not an iterator?
  • Why not use anonymous functions?
  • Why is Python 3 incompatible with Python 2?
  • Why change print statement to print() built-in function?

I wrote this post partly to inform you about the project, but mostly to get some feedback:

  • About the topics listed above, which ones do you care most about?
  • In addition to the problems listed, what other topics are people concerned about?

I submitted these two questions as a questionnaire: www.wjx.cn/m/77821760…. For those of you reading this, please take a minute to fill it out. Thank you all for your support.